I posted that before looking at more details of it, seems like its aimed more towards the can am commander, but there definitely looking to be on top in the rec. utility market.
Honda should take notes on the accessories/options available with different models like the fox shocks, sound bar, winch, etc.
Been hearing the Polaris commercials and now Polaris is giving 2 year extended warranties in addition to their typical new years discounts. Seems they may have stepped up their game now that there is more reliable options on the market for people to spend their money on. Isn't competition grand.
Actually Polaris prices went back up right after the new year on the Ranger 900 and the RZR 1000, $900 and $1500 I think it was. No change on the other sxs's that I know of.
Edit: Yes, they did drop the price on the full size 570 and ETX Rangers, forgot about that.
They continued the 3 year warranty on the Ranger 900 and added some warranty on some others.
Yamaha dropped the price on their sxs's after the new year.