Way, way, way back in the day Honda was the trend setter. What happen? I mean, Honda makes cars and trucks. They're light years in tech above others, or should be. Why don't they use it. It's just like when they sat on the side lines and watched Gators and Mules sell for years before they jumped in the game. Honda should go back to the way they were in the 70's. They where king back then. They always kept exploring and building bikes with features that the public wanted. And the quality, it was top notch, they were tough as nails. It all starts at the top. Management. Whoever's running the operation has been tip toeing instead of plowing to the front.
I like the new Polaris. I know it will be more that I want or will spend but many will buy it. I think Honda has focused on recreation and bit much and should have be looking at utility much, much, harder. Rigs for working on farms and industries like lawncare and others. Instead, they went the other way and plan on stopping production of lawn mowers. I just don't understand.