Hello, I have a 21' 1000-5 and working on installing a heater system in cab. I bought the Jegs universal heater kit. (link below if needed) and have decided its a little bigger than i expected, so i am considering mounting it to the roof vs on the floor.
Does anyone have experience mounting a heater unit to roof and if so was there issues with pumpability or cooling issues?
I was going to just connect to the 1/2 hose off the water pump but if i go to roof i may need to use the radiator hose to get more volume, Thoughts?
Thanks for input, Tried searching on forum and Facebook pages with no luck. (which might answer my questions by just that, LOL)
Does anyone have experience mounting a heater unit to roof and if so was there issues with pumpability or cooling issues?
I was going to just connect to the 1/2 hose off the water pump but if i go to roof i may need to use the radiator hose to get more volume, Thoughts?
JEGS 70602: Auxiliary Heater with Triple Vents [300 CFM, 40,000 BTU] - JEGS
Get the Best Performance with JEGS Auxiliary Heater with Triple Vents [300 CFM, 40,000 BTU] 70602 parts at JEGS. Shop Now at the Guaranteed Lowest Price!

Thanks for input, Tried searching on forum and Facebook pages with no luck. (which might answer my questions by just that, LOL)