I have the 700 and I have taken it places most people wouldn't even consider going. All my buddies have RZRs. I am the only one in the group with something different. There has not been a time I couldn't go where they have. Is the 700 perfect? No... However, for the price and capability it is a great machine. I have invested in some aftermarket things to make it more capable but I still don't have a ton of money tied up in it. Would I change some things on it? Sure... However, right now this machine is getting the job done and is very dependable. I spend my time riding while my RZR buddies spend more time fixing Lol. BTW, I use mine for 95% trail riding. I will say that if they get the 1000 to the dependability of the 700 I'd be interested. I have literally put this thing through the ringer with no major issues. The whole clutch deal scares me on the 1000, especially with the amount of money they cost! I don't want to spend that much money on something and then be worried about major repairs.