Ancient Honda fanboi
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Come on over! The smokey mountains are calling your name.Darn... I want to go!
Come on over! The smokey mountains are calling your name.Darn... I want to go!
in the shop again for the second clutch... wasn't even riding it hard... yay
in the shop again for the second clutch... wasn't even riding it hard... yay
Second set of clutches!! That sucks bad. Rumor has it that the clutches are updated now... Not sure if there is any truth to that or not. So how many miles on the 1st set and on second set? I'm sure you will but let us know what happens.in the shop again for the second clutch... wasn't even riding it hard... yay
Second set of clutches!! That sucks bad. Rumor has it that the clutches are updated now... Not sure if there is any truth to that or not. So how many miles on the 1st set and on second set? I'm sure you will but let us know what happens.
Mike, did they already replace both clutch packs and now one is slipping again? Or did they only replace one clutch pack and now the other one is slipping?in the shop again for the second clutch... wasn't even riding it hard... yay
Just a rumor. No one has provided any proof of part numbers or parts. All been hearsay.
I have some oceanfront property in Oklahoma if you're interested.
My initial impressions were very similar to yours. Paid a lot of money, it should do whatever I want it to do, but it doesn't seem to like approaching stall speeds, especially on steep hills. Annoyed and concerned...I just brought mine home Tuesday. Drove it around the yard a few minutes and was really impressed with the power and ride, pretty much everything on this thing. Until I tried to go over a very small, but steep mound of dirt on my property. That's when I felt the shuddering. I am sorry but there are a lot of situations that 5mph is too fast. I worry about the long term problems with these clutches. If I ignore the shuddering until I have actual slipping, that could be right when my warranty runs out and I have to pay for it. There are going to be situations while trail riding that I know I am going to need to crawl through a technical section and I am not going to be able to stay out of the shudder zone. There is no bigger fan of Honda than me. I have been on nothing but a Honda since 1997. I even bought a Pilot for my wife to drive because I wanted her to have the most dependable vehicle she could. But I am beginning to believe they dropped the ball on this one. If the shuddering does in fact cause clutch wear, then sooner or later everyone that rides these things in conditions other than gravel roads or in pastures are going to need a clutch. I bought a Honda because I didn't think I would have to worry about issues like that.
Isn't everything a wear item. In reality?I'm about 95% sure the extended warranty doesn't cover wear items and the clutch is a wear item. Double check with your dealer.
When my clutch went out Honda corporate made sure to tell me that Honda was going to fix my pioneer because of the time I owned it and mileage but they don't cover wear items under warranty.
Must admit that I have my doubts about these things going 5000 miles without clutch problems. Would be a lot more optomistic if Honda announced a fix that would allow slow speeds under strain without shuddering.I just brought mine home Tuesday. Drove it around the yard a few minutes and was really impressed with the power and ride, pretty much everything on this thing. Until I tried to go over a very small, but steep mound of dirt on my property. That's when I felt the shuddering. I am sorry but there are a lot of situations that 5mph is too fast. I worry about the long term problems with these clutches. If I ignore the shuddering until I have actual slipping, that could be right when my warranty runs out and I have to pay for it. There are going to be situations while trail riding that I know I am going to need to crawl through a technical section and I am not going to be able to stay out of the shudder zone. There is no bigger fan of Honda than me. I have been on nothing but a Honda since 1997. I even bought a Pilot for my wife to drive because I wanted her to have the most dependable vehicle she could. But I am beginning to believe they dropped the ball on this one. If the shuddering does in fact cause clutch wear, then sooner or later everyone that rides these things in conditions other than gravel roads or in pastures are going to need a clutch. I bought a Honda because I didn't think I would have to worry about issues like that.
My initial impressions were very similar to yours. Paid a lot of money, it should do whatever I want it to do, but it doesn't seem to like approaching stall speeds, especially on steep hills. Annoyed and concerned...
I now have almost 600 hard miles on mine and based on my experiences, I am no longer worried about the clutches.
As stated in the other thread, it is a MANUAL transmission. Would you drive a manual jeep up to a rock, put your front wheel against it and then try to ease out on the clutch from a dead stop??? Obviously not. Would you try to crawl up a steep hill at such a slow speed that the engine stalls??? Obviously not. There is a certain amount of technique and skill required to make a manual tranny work in an off road scenario. Now that I've logged a little trail time and become more in tune with how it operates, I have no trouble crawling over technical obstacles at low speeds.
Like I said before, I understand your concerns and I felt the same way in the beginning. But now after developing my technique and all I've put mine through, I am 100% confident to take it anywhere.
My suggestion to you is to go get some seat time. That's the only thing that will build your confidence and quiet your concerns.
Just asking because I didn't see it specified. Are you trail riding in Low Range or High Range? & have you change the oil yet (not sure how long you have had it) if so did you use full synthetic? I recommend only Low range for all tail riding under 30 MPH. It will not shudder nearly as much if you don't pussyfoot around with the throttle give it enough pedal to get moving (without giving everyone whiplash) easing into it only exaggerates the issue. Since having mine repaired there is no shuddering at all at any speed.I got to put a few miles on the Pioneer yesterday on actual trails and I have to say I am both thrilled and still a little worried. I will start with the bad. The low speed shuddering is very annoying and its hard to drive this thing in really rocky terrain and keep it from doing it. On one occasion I was climbing up a steep hill and there were 2 trees I needed to go between. I wasn't sure if I could even fit. So I stopped to access the situation. Trying to pull back out on that trail was not easy. It shuddered badly and I had to give it a lot more gas than I wanted in that situation to stop the shuddering while still squeezing between the 2 trees. The good, this thing is so smooth. Its super quiet and a blast to drive. It has so much power. The suspension just soaks up everything. All in all I love it. Being able to take my wife and son and everyone be super comfortable is so awesone. Hopefully I will be able to minimize the shuddering, or stop paying attention to it and this machine will be perfect.