Ancient Honda fanboi
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Burnt my clutches yesterday. Playing in the mud. Stock tires, around 45 hours -400 miles or so on the unit. Slips going into 3rd and 5th.
Had it in low. 4wd and 4wd diff lock. Had a teryx 4 pulling me out. Absolutely couldn't even spin the tires. The sad part is late that day around the same area I watched my buddy in his viking get stuck. Even tho he had to winched out he was able to spin the tires and didn't burn anything up. Watched multiple rzr's and can am's get stuck in this area. Winched out. It was hard on all the units trying to get thru the mess we were in. But at the end when it was all said and down. My honda was the only one goofed up
So you are in some kind of mud pit or hole and it's bad enough the tires won't turn yet you stayed in the gas? With that powerful of a motor something has to give. I mean going through some mud is one thing going into a mess EVERYONE has to be winched out of and trying to power through it sounds like poor judgment / operator error.
Still sorry to hear you had a mechanical problem. Honda finally gives us a SXS with decent power and people will find ways to push it to the limit or beyond. Honda targeted this machine towards older male landowners as the demographic user base. I don't think seeing how big a mud holes you can get into and out of was envisioned for its use or the sub transmission would have had a 3:1 or higher ratio in low range. I just don't think the P1K is geared towards serious mudding.