Wondering if some one has the EMP full glass windshield on their 700, if so what kind of outside rear view mirrors will fit with this windshield set up/
I just bought a large review mirror that mounts on the roof frame. I didn't want the side mounted mirrors because in heavy brush they get knocked off. The inside rear view mirror is fantastic. I got it from Amazon.
I just bought a large review mirror that mounts on the roof frame. I didn't want the side mounted mirrors because in heavy brush they get knocked off. The inside rear view mirror is fantastic. I got it from Amazon.
I thought the same thing when I got mine but, with the breakaway feature, they don't get destroyed like you'd think. I've ran both and found the rearview's useless for plowing.
I have had 3 sets of outside rear view mirrors. Kolpins were garbage and hey broke to pieces. Cheap ones off Amazon we’re junk. I bought the plastic seizmik mirrors and they have been great. I broke one,and it was clearly my fault. I had it on wrong and backed into trees. THey replaced it with no question. They sale the same ones that are aluminum. I use my outside mirrors all the time along with the Honda center one which I like as well. As far as if it will work with that windshield. It has a clamp that is only 5/16” thick.So I think it would slip in behind it to work.like mine does. If you haven’t got the shield yet I would get the 2 piece superATV shield. It is the best I have seen so far and I love it.