Its Only an Opinion Relax
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Posting this just in case anyone else has something similar happen (hopefully you don't)
2020 P1000-5 Deluxe
ODO: 3300 miles
Bought brand new in 2020 (only owner) from Brothers Powersports in Bremerton, WA
One day in early January 2025, I started up my Pioneer and it was rough idling really bad and blowing white smoke wouldn't go forward or backward without dying. After some YouTube looking and so on I came to a couple things that led me to replace the following as a trouble shoot prior to taking it to a shop...
What I replaced:
Spark Plugs
Coil Packs
Air Filter
Fuel injectors
Both Batteries
Outcome: No change
Trouble shooting performed:
Pulled coil boot off forward cylinder while idle (Nothing happened) kept idling
Pulled coil boot off aft cylinder while idle (Machine died)
Pulled forward spark plug and verified spark (Spark present)
Outcome: Took machine to Brothers Honda (3/1/25) (dealership of purchase) (belief at this point that the cause is blown head gasket burning antifreeze) (Quote for replacement of head gasket $1800)
Dealer Disassembles:
Call today (3/6/25): Anti-freeze no found to be burning from head gasket, and mechanic finds that valves in forward cylinder are blowing oil into cylinder causing no ignition of fuel.
Replace head gasket (Already disassembled so safe than sorry)
Replace valves
New quote ($2300.00)
Hopefully this fixes my machine and all is well after. This posts intention is not to bash the dealer or the cost, understood things are expensive and shop hours are expensive, it is what it is, if you can't/don't want to do it yourself, which I don't but if this happens to someone maybe it can save you some time trying to figure it out.
My guess is that a failure on my part to adjust the valves led to this problem, but I will confirm with the dealership when I pick it up.
2020 P1000-5 Deluxe
ODO: 3300 miles
Bought brand new in 2020 (only owner) from Brothers Powersports in Bremerton, WA
One day in early January 2025, I started up my Pioneer and it was rough idling really bad and blowing white smoke wouldn't go forward or backward without dying. After some YouTube looking and so on I came to a couple things that led me to replace the following as a trouble shoot prior to taking it to a shop...
What I replaced:
Spark Plugs
Coil Packs
Air Filter
Fuel injectors
Both Batteries
Outcome: No change
Trouble shooting performed:
Pulled coil boot off forward cylinder while idle (Nothing happened) kept idling
Pulled coil boot off aft cylinder while idle (Machine died)
Pulled forward spark plug and verified spark (Spark present)
Outcome: Took machine to Brothers Honda (3/1/25) (dealership of purchase) (belief at this point that the cause is blown head gasket burning antifreeze) (Quote for replacement of head gasket $1800)
Dealer Disassembles:
Call today (3/6/25): Anti-freeze no found to be burning from head gasket, and mechanic finds that valves in forward cylinder are blowing oil into cylinder causing no ignition of fuel.
Replace head gasket (Already disassembled so safe than sorry)
Replace valves
New quote ($2300.00)
Hopefully this fixes my machine and all is well after. This posts intention is not to bash the dealer or the cost, understood things are expensive and shop hours are expensive, it is what it is, if you can't/don't want to do it yourself, which I don't but if this happens to someone maybe it can save you some time trying to figure it out.
My guess is that a failure on my part to adjust the valves led to this problem, but I will confirm with the dealership when I pick it up.