Outside looking in.
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Its a good discussion. We just need some seat time in one out on the trails with a Talon to get a good comparison.Joey and I have been putting ours on a diet lately.
Fully loaded with cab on mine is between 1975-2000 according to a certified scale(25lb increments, and it goes back and forth 1975-2000)..even with two winches, heavy rear bumper, actual aluminum/UHMW skid, tools, spare parts, recover gear, and extra battery, full tank.
I’ll bet @joeymt33 and @Ragnar406 are really close to me, but I bet @Kilo427 is at least 200-250lbs heavier with the cage and bumper he has.
The new Kawasaki 1896lbs as it sits you’ll be closer to 2500 by the time you add all the stuff you want/need on it @Kilo427 will be close to 3000lbs
just doing math not complaining or arguing one way or another. I have REALLY been looking at it as a possible sport machine for me.