A lot of people have bought polaris over the last few years, they wanted something faster. Well maybe they were but you can only go so fast in the woods unless its a graveled road and even then going to fast could get you or someone else hurt. If you check when a brand puts their unit up to another manufactures unit theirs is always better, (they say). Id rather have a great time out riding enjoying everything and be able to get back than ride a little faster and break down. Check on some other forms and you will see they are always wrenching or replacing parts, sometimes on new machines also check and see how many are up for sale on e-bay. If they were that great you wouldn't see them for sale. I have been riding side by sides since 2008 and had a 09 yamaha rhino. It was a great machine and would run 56 mph. I read a lot and liked the transmission in the Honda 1000-3. I was amazed at the power it had also.To me its much better to have a reliable machine and we all know if anything Honda is that. If you should have a good polaris without having a lot of repairs then your lucky. I have a friend who has a polaris and talks about how great it is, then he tells of all the replacement parts he has replaced.To me the choice was simple Honda or Yamaha,so I went with a reliable Honda. And I must say the quality is better also. If I had wanted super speed and reliability then I would have went with a yamaha 1000. Not trying to upset any one just my 2 ,,cents.