Talon Honda Talon pricing is out.



Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

  1. 1000-5
This is in line with the yxz pricing I think?

I've seen those as low as 13,999 when they sit for a couple years. Definitely not anytime soon, but theres hope for the future I think.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  3. Talon X LV
I’m a cheap date and drink Busch Light so it would be even longer. Guess I’ll just keep rockin the pioneer (it wasn’t going anywhere anyhow).

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Pretty cheap date myself lol. Our 1000 won’t be going anywhere either.


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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  2. Talon X4
Gotta have @JACKAL money for one of these! Lol. Actually I think they did well on the $ definitely not being greedy.
It's America, go out and work 100 hours a week and earn it. You are only limited by your initiative and discipline. I often wonder what people who work 40 hrs a week do after wednesdays?



Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2013
So.... with the given pricing, I had a thought....

I was talking to a buddy earlier about how much I had looked forward to the Talon. I've been excited about this since the Pioneer 700 was introduced in '14, like many of you have been. He asked if I was gonna buy one. My response was, "Nah".... "I have the 700 and it sits in the garage way more than it should. Be pretty crazy for me to drop $20K on a machine that I wouldn't ride any more than the one that I currently have."

Then I got to thinking.... I work to buy things I want. That why we all work, right? I don't have to justify this purchase....

Reminded me of a time when I was a little feller in 1989. We had a local 'Mom & Pop' Honda Shop 30 miles up the road that I loved to frequent. I aggravated the s*** out of my dad to just go 'look around' every time we were close. At the time, I was 7 years old. I had a Suzuki 50 4-wheeler, and my dream had just came true! That year, Santa had added a Suzuki DS 80 dirt bike to the out building!

Anywhoo.... One day that Dad was off work, we stopped by the Honda Shop... I'd been in there several times... I loved looking at the XR's and the 250R's... But there was something new that day. Something that I'd never seen before. A machine that had a seat like a car. And a steering wheel. It also had a large (for it's time) two-stroke engine. And it had 4-wheel independent suspension, which at the time I didn't know what was, but now appreciate looking back for the time period... It was the short lived Honda Pilot Fl400R.

I wasn't big enough, or old enough, to ride one. Dad wasn't interested in the machine at all. At that time he had his first 4-wheeler that was a Honda 250 2-wheel drive utility. 1986 model I believe?

Nonetheless, It was absolutely the coolest machine I had ever seen! I wanted one! Bad! Needless to say, I never got one or even seen one or rode one my whole life after that.

I never had that feeling again until I saw the 400EX. My dreams came true when I bought that machine in 2000. Kept it for a few years, then moved on to a Rubicon......

I thought my 'sport machine' desires were dead after that forever until the word came that the Talon was 'real'. Then, when it was introduced (poorly) a few weeks ago, all those childhood dreams I had about the Pilot resurfaced. Now I am an adult, by age at least, and I feel like a kid again. I don't need it. Can't justify it. But yet I want one!!!!! I wanna go back to 7 years old and get my Pilot and just raise pure, unadulterated hell!

Sorry...... I got caught up in my last 30 years there for a minute.....

So, back to my original thought. I had a thought....

That machine (FL400) was far beyond it's time. In 1989, the median American income was around $30,000. A new Pilot was around $5,500. So a Pilot costed about 18% of the median American income.

Fast forward to 2019. The median American income is $62,000. A new Talon R is gonna cost around $21,000. That is about 34% of the median American income today.

No real point to make here other than a comparison between the only two sport machines of this kind that Honda has ever made. Just thought it was interesting.

I'm not sure why the Pilot never made it. I hope it wasn't because of pricing. I'd hate to see the long awaited Talon have a short run like the Pilot did. Proportionally speaking, it is priced almost twice as much as the Pilot was in relation to the money the average American made. And it had no competition.

Just a thought...

That turned out a whole lot longer that I thought it would. I'll grab another beer now. LOL


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
Lifetime Member
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
So.... with the given pricing, I had a thought....

I was talking to a buddy earlier about how much I had looked forward to the Talon. I've been excited about this since the Pioneer 700 was introduced in '14, like many of you have been. He asked if I was gonna buy one. My response was, "Nah".... "I have the 700 and it sits in the garage way more than it should. Be pretty crazy for me to drop $20K on a machine that I wouldn't ride any more than the one that I currently have."

Then I got to thinking.... I work to buy things I want. That why we all work, right? I don't have to justify this purchase....

Reminded me of a time when I was a little feller in 1989. We had a local 'Mom & Pop' Honda Shop 30 miles up the road that I loved to frequent. I aggravated the s*** out of my dad to just go 'look around' every time we were close. At the time, I was 7 years old. I had a Suzuki 50 4-wheeler, and my dream had just came true! That year, Santa had added a Suzuki DS 80 dirt bike to the out building!

Anywhoo.... One day that Dad was off work, we stopped by the Honda Shop... I'd been in there several times... I loved looking at the XR's and the 250R's... But there was something new that day. Something that I'd never seen before. A machine that had a seat like a car. And a steering wheel. It also had a large (for it's time) two-stroke engine. And it had 4-wheel independent suspension, which at the time I didn't know what was, but now appreciate looking back for the time period... It was the short lived Honda Pilot Fl400R.

I wasn't big enough, or old enough, to ride one. Dad wasn't interested in the machine at all. At that time he had his first 4-wheeler that was a Honda 250 2-wheel drive utility. 1986 model I believe?

Nonetheless, It was absolutely the coolest machine I had ever seen! I wanted one! Bad! Needless to say, I never got one or even seen one or rode one my whole life after that.

I never had that feeling again until I saw the 400EX. My dreams came true when I bought that machine in 2000. Kept it for a few years, then moved on to a Rubicon......

I thought my 'sport machine' desires were dead after that forever until the word came that the Talon was 'real'. Then, when it was introduced (poorly) a few weeks ago, all those childhood dreams I had about the Pilot resurfaced. Now I am an adult, by age at least, and I feel like a kid again. I don't need it. Can't justify it. But yet I want one!!!!! I wanna go back to 7 years old and get my Pilot and just raise pure, unadulterated hell!

Sorry...... I got caught up in my last 30 years there for a minute.....

So, back to my original thought. I had a thought....

That machine (FL400) was far beyond it's time. In 1989, the median American income was around $30,000. A new Pilot was around $5,500. So a Pilot costed about 18% of the median American income.

Fast forward to 2019. The median American income is $62,000. A new Talon R is gonna cost around $21,000. That is about 34% of the median American income today.

No real point to make here other than a comparison between the only two sport machines of this kind that Honda has ever made. Just thought it was interesting.

I'm not sure why the Pilot never made it. I hope it wasn't because of pricing. I'd hate to see the long awaited Talon have a short run like the Pilot did. Proportionally speaking, it is priced almost twice as much as the Pilot was in relation to the money the average American made. And it had no competition.

Just a thought...

That turned out a whole lot longer that I thought it would. I'll grab another beer now. LOL
First of all that was a great read. In many ways it brings me back to my own childhood and now as a grown up with responsibilities and desires. I must say I agree with you and am looking forward to my turn at sport model.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2013
First of all that was a great read. In many ways it brings me back to my own childhood and now as a grown up with responsibilities and desires. I must say I agree with you and am looking forward to my turn at sport model.

Haha.. Thanks man. I didn’t mean to write all that, but got carried away in all the memories. I just thought it was an interesting comparison to begin with between the Pilot and Talon pricing at their respective times, then the memories took over. Crazy that a ATV/UTV/DIRTBIKE can make you feel that way as a kid, then have the same feeling resurface 30 years later...........given a few beers as a catalyst

It was fun tho!

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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  3. Talon X LV
Haha.. Thanks man. I didn’t mean to write all that, but got carried away in all the memories. I just thought it was an interesting comparison to begin with between the Pilot and Talon pricing at their respective times, then the memories took over. Crazy that a ATV/UTV/DIRTBIKE can make you feel that way as a kid, then have the same feeling resurface 30 years later...........given a few beers as a catalyst

It was fun tho!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Appreciate you sharing actually! Was fun to read.


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X4
So.... with the given pricing, I had a thought....

I was talking to a buddy earlier about how much I had looked forward to the Talon. I've been excited about this since the Pioneer 700 was introduced in '14, like many of you have been. He asked if I was gonna buy one. My response was, "Nah".... "I have the 700 and it sits in the garage way more than it should. Be pretty crazy for me to drop $20K on a machine that I wouldn't ride any more than the one that I currently have."

Then I got to thinking.... I work to buy things I want. That why we all work, right? I don't have to justify this purchase....

Reminded me of a time when I was a little feller in 1989. We had a local 'Mom & Pop' Honda Shop 30 miles up the road that I loved to frequent. I aggravated the s*** out of my dad to just go 'look around' every time we were close. At the time, I was 7 years old. I had a Suzuki 50 4-wheeler, and my dream had just came true! That year, Santa had added a Suzuki DS 80 dirt bike to the out building!

Anywhoo.... One day that Dad was off work, we stopped by the Honda Shop... I'd been in there several times... I loved looking at the XR's and the 250R's... But there was something new that day. Something that I'd never seen before. A machine that had a seat like a car. And a steering wheel. It also had a large (for it's time) two-stroke engine. And it had 4-wheel independent suspension, which at the time I didn't know what was, but now appreciate looking back for the time period... It was the short lived Honda Pilot Fl400R.

I wasn't big enough, or old enough, to ride one. Dad wasn't interested in the machine at all. At that time he had his first 4-wheeler that was a Honda 250 2-wheel drive utility. 1986 model I believe?

Nonetheless, It was absolutely the coolest machine I had ever seen! I wanted one! Bad! Needless to say, I never got one or even seen one or rode one my whole life after that.

I never had that feeling again until I saw the 400EX. My dreams came true when I bought that machine in 2000. Kept it for a few years, then moved on to a Rubicon......

I thought my 'sport machine' desires were dead after that forever until the word came that the Talon was 'real'. Then, when it was introduced (poorly) a few weeks ago, all those childhood dreams I had about the Pilot resurfaced. Now I am an adult, by age at least, and I feel like a kid again. I don't need it. Can't justify it. But yet I want one!!!!! I wanna go back to 7 years old and get my Pilot and just raise pure, unadulterated hell!

Sorry...... I got caught up in my last 30 years there for a minute.....

So, back to my original thought. I had a thought....

That machine (FL400) was far beyond it's time. In 1989, the median American income was around $30,000. A new Pilot was around $5,500. So a Pilot costed about 18% of the median American income.

Fast forward to 2019. The median American income is $62,000. A new Talon R is gonna cost around $21,000. That is about 34% of the median American income today.

No real point to make here other than a comparison between the only two sport machines of this kind that Honda has ever made. Just thought it was interesting.

I'm not sure why the Pilot never made it. I hope it wasn't because of pricing. I'd hate to see the long awaited Talon have a short run like the Pilot did. Proportionally speaking, it is priced almost twice as much as the Pilot was in relation to the money the average American made. And it had no competition.

Just a thought...

That turned out a whole lot longer that I thought it would. I'll grab another beer now. LOL

For a minute I thought your train of thought didn't have a caboose. :p My Honda affliction was similar starting with the XR75 then the first "Big Wheel ATC185" I was hooked.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2018
PE Canada

  1. Talon X
So.... with the given pricing, I had a thought....

I was talking to a buddy earlier about how much I had looked forward to the Talon. I've been excited about this since the Pioneer 700 was introduced in '14, like many of you have been. He asked if I was gonna buy one. My response was, "Nah".... "I have the 700 and it sits in the garage way more than it should. Be pretty crazy for me to drop $20K on a machine that I wouldn't ride any more than the one that I currently have."

Then I got to thinking.... I work to buy things I want. That why we all work, right? I don't have to justify this purchase....

Reminded me of a time when I was a little feller in 1989. We had a local 'Mom & Pop' Honda Shop 30 miles up the road that I loved to frequent. I aggravated the s*** out of my dad to just go 'look around' every time we were close. At the time, I was 7 years old. I had a Suzuki 50 4-wheeler, and my dream had just came true! That year, Santa had added a Suzuki DS 80 dirt bike to the out building!

Anywhoo.... One day that Dad was off work, we stopped by the Honda Shop... I'd been in there several times... I loved looking at the XR's and the 250R's... But there was something new that day. Something that I'd never seen before. A machine that had a seat like a car. And a steering wheel. It also had a large (for it's time) two-stroke engine. And it had 4-wheel independent suspension, which at the time I didn't know what was, but now appreciate looking back for the time period... It was the short lived Honda Pilot Fl400R.

I wasn't big enough, or old enough, to ride one. Dad wasn't interested in the machine at all. At that time he had his first 4-wheeler that was a Honda 250 2-wheel drive utility. 1986 model I believe?

Nonetheless, It was absolutely the coolest machine I had ever seen! I wanted one! Bad! Needless to say, I never got one or even seen one or rode one my whole life after that.

I never had that feeling again until I saw the 400EX. My dreams came true when I bought that machine in 2000. Kept it for a few years, then moved on to a Rubicon......

I thought my 'sport machine' desires were dead after that forever until the word came that the Talon was 'real'. Then, when it was introduced (poorly) a few weeks ago, all those childhood dreams I had about the Pilot resurfaced. Now I am an adult, by age at least, and I feel like a kid again. I don't need it. Can't justify it. But yet I want one!!!!! I wanna go back to 7 years old and get my Pilot and just raise pure, unadulterated hell!

Sorry...... I got caught up in my last 30 years there for a minute.....

So, back to my original thought. I had a thought....

That machine (FL400) was far beyond it's time. In 1989, the median American income was around $30,000. A new Pilot was around $5,500. So a Pilot costed about 18% of the median American income.

Fast forward to 2019. The median American income is $62,000. A new Talon R is gonna cost around $21,000. That is about 34% of the median American income today.

No real point to make here other than a comparison between the only two sport machines of this kind that Honda has ever made. Just thought it was interesting.

I'm not sure why the Pilot never made it. I hope it wasn't because of pricing. I'd hate to see the long awaited Talon have a short run like the Pilot did. Proportionally speaking, it is priced almost twice as much as the Pilot was in relation to the money the average American made. And it had no competition.

Just a thought...

That turned out a whole lot longer that I thought it would. I'll grab another beer now. LOL

Great read.. I have a pioneer 500, and ever since this thing came out, I want it.You're correct, we work for what we want. This vehicle will cost me $30k Canadian by the time its all done, more then I paid for my first house.. for a toy. A toy that I cannot wait to sit my ass in. Mine is already ordered and I will be the first one on PEI to own one..(PEI is a small Island on the east coast of Canada for those of you who don't know).


Go ride!
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Jun 15, 2014

  1. 1000-5
It's America, go out and work 100 hours a week and earn it. You are only limited by your initiative and discipline. I often wonder what people who work 40 hrs a week do after wednesdays?

Sitting in your truck doesn't count as work. You can only drive 11 hrs a day. Maybe in Illinois time you work 100 hrs a week


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
It’s work when your driving one of those rough riding pos Fords. ;)
E81578EC AEE0 448D 9A89 BB0601D5D499
Alan aka Davinci

Alan aka Davinci

Mr. Meme Master
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Apr 25, 2015
Grand Junction, CO

  1. 500
It’s work when your driving one of those rough riding pos Fords. ;)
I am rather fond of my 440 HP, 925 Lb-Ft. Torque Super Duty and I say it does not ride rough but firm and when I want a smooth ride I drive my wife's Ford Edge Limited. In addition my Super duty tows my 12K toy hauler very well.
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 3, 2016
NWA Arkansas

  1. 1000-3

  2. 1000-5
So.... with the given pricing, I had a thought....

I was talking to a buddy earlier about how much I had looked forward to the Talon. I've been excited about this since the Pioneer 700 was introduced in '14, like many of you have been. He asked if I was gonna buy one. My response was, "Nah".... "I have the 700 and it sits in the garage way more than it should. Be pretty crazy for me to drop $20K on a machine that I wouldn't ride any more than the one that I currently have."

Then I got to thinking.... I work to buy things I want. That why we all work, right? I don't have to justify this purchase....

Reminded me of a time when I was a little feller in 1989. We had a local 'Mom & Pop' Honda Shop 30 miles up the road that I loved to frequent. I aggravated the s*** out of my dad to just go 'look around' every time we were close. At the time, I was 7 years old. I had a Suzuki 50 4-wheeler, and my dream had just came true! That year, Santa had added a Suzuki DS 80 dirt bike to the out building!

Anywhoo.... One day that Dad was off work, we stopped by the Honda Shop... I'd been in there several times... I loved looking at the XR's and the 250R's... But there was something new that day. Something that I'd never seen before. A machine that had a seat like a car. And a steering wheel. It also had a large (for it's time) two-stroke engine. And it had 4-wheel independent suspension, which at the time I didn't know what was, but now appreciate looking back for the time period... It was the short lived Honda Pilot Fl400R.

I wasn't big enough, or old enough, to ride one. Dad wasn't interested in the machine at all. At that time he had his first 4-wheeler that was a Honda 250 2-wheel drive utility. 1986 model I believe?

Nonetheless, It was absolutely the coolest machine I had ever seen! I wanted one! Bad! Needless to say, I never got one or even seen one or rode one my whole life after that.

I never had that feeling again until I saw the 400EX. My dreams came true when I bought that machine in 2000. Kept it for a few years, then moved on to a Rubicon......

I thought my 'sport machine' desires were dead after that forever until the word came that the Talon was 'real'. Then, when it was introduced (poorly) a few weeks ago, all those childhood dreams I had about the Pilot resurfaced. Now I am an adult, by age at least, and I feel like a kid again. I don't need it. Can't justify it. But yet I want one!!!!! I wanna go back to 7 years old and get my Pilot and just raise pure, unadulterated hell!

Sorry...... I got caught up in my last 30 years there for a minute.....

So, back to my original thought. I had a thought....

That machine (FL400) was far beyond it's time. In 1989, the median American income was around $30,000. A new Pilot was around $5,500. So a Pilot costed about 18% of the median American income.

Fast forward to 2019. The median American income is $62,000. A new Talon R is gonna cost around $21,000. That is about 34% of the median American income today.

No real point to make here other than a comparison between the only two sport machines of this kind that Honda has ever made. Just thought it was interesting.

I'm not sure why the Pilot never made it. I hope it wasn't because of pricing. I'd hate to see the long awaited Talon have a short run like the Pilot did. Proportionally speaking, it is priced almost twice as much as the Pilot was in relation to the money the average American made. And it had no competition.

Just a thought...

That turned out a whole lot longer that I thought it would. I'll grab another beer now. LOL
Great read! Can I send you beer money? HA! You can make the same comparison in pick up trucks. 1976 a brand new 3/4 ton 4 WD could be bought all day long for $ 8,000, but they weren't as nice as the trucks of today.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2016
So, back to my original thought. I had a thought....

That machine (FL400) was far beyond it's time. In 1989, the median American income was around $30,000. A new Pilot was around $5,500. So a Pilot costed about 18% of the median American income.

Fast forward to 2019. The median American income is $62,000. A new Talon R is gonna cost around $21,000. That is about 34% of the median American income today.

I'd be happy if I was making the 1989 median income. I couldn't imagine making the 2019 median income, I'd be on top of the world !
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