Update on relocated PS ECU...
Finally had a chance to test in real world conditions but before we get into that, I think it is a good idea to spell out what problems I encounter and observations about other machines so everyone can compare. The steering anomalies I have do not affect every machine. I have 2 almost identical 2019 R's and only one of them has always experienced the worst of the problems since it was brand new and now has 5K miles on it. The other (bought used with 16K miles) only occasionally has stiff steering stopped on pavement with the brakes applied but for the most part, the steering on that one works OK.
Here are the main problems with my problematic machine...
- The main (and most dangerous) problem I and other have is the assist momentarily gives out when attempting a quick turn. It happens when the outside front tire gets loaded up as you go into a turn. The worse for me is in banked chicanes at the dunes with my buffs mounted on 14X8, 0 offset wheels. This tire/wheel combo is so bad, I stopped using them on this machine in fear of crashing. I can duplicate this problem at will on my problematic machine but the other machine has no issues with this tire/wheel combo. It still happens with my less offset wheels too but not near as bad.
- The next most obvious issue is what I refer to as "Obstacle Steer". It is the constant left/right jerking of the wheel in your hands as you go over rough/rocky terrain. In extreme circumstances at lower speeds, the wheel can get completely ripped out of your hands if you don't have a good hold on it.
- Angle steering when approaching an obstacle or dropping into an embankment at an angle. This happens to me all the time when rock crawling. Also happens at the dunes when dropping off a steep hill to level ground at the bottom at an angle. This momentary loss of steering caused me to lay mine over in the sand one time because I couldn't steer fast enough.
- Steering feedback is extreme. I feel almost every little rock/bump/etc. on the trail through the wheel. It is basically a little constant vibration in the steering wheel.
- Hard steering on hard surfaces. This is exacerbated by larger tires and lower pressures.
- Other more subtle issues that became more obvious after I relocated my ECU.
Now for the meat of the matter

I took my Talon to the Dunes and I am SO thrilled with the results. I am no longer losing my steering on tight trails or in banked chicanes or when taking steep embankments with dips at the bottom at angles. Tested as low as 6psi and not a problem at all. Even stopped at the bottom of a 40* hill and the steering worked when stopped at the bottom and just dug the tires into the sand. I have never been able to do this before.
I also have never been able to drive at higher speeds with one hand before in fear of losing control of the machine. I have almost wrecked it a couple times on tight trails when the steering gives out momentarily. I even grazed a tree and have even laid it over once in the sand because I couldn't turn out of a lean fast enough. My Talon is a completely new machine and now a real pleasure to drive.
Swapped over to dirt tires at 10psi and now goes over rough terrain without "obstacle steer", the wheel is still as a mouse over 6" rocks at 25mph. It also seems much more responsive but that could just be due to the fact that it actually works correctly now.
It is also better when crawling, on pavement, everywhere. When the steering does stick, it only takes the slightest movement (forward or back) to get the wheel turning again instead of having to roll a foot or 2. Not perfect but very, VERY much improved for my problematic machine.
There wasn't a whole lot of crawling terrain where I was so I do need to do some serious crawling to compare how that goes but these tests have me optimistic!
Sample connectors on the way to make sure they are all correct (the 21 pin is the only one I am not 100% sure about). If everything checks out OK, I will order up a batch and start taking orders.