POIDH Enforcement Officer
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Here's my kids "Gunny & Remington" Lol. 2 black labs. They are litter mates and are 7 going on 2. Gunny is my shadow and my hunting buddy. We can't have kids, so we have these 2 hethens! Lol. There great total polar opposites. We've always had 2 labs but never litter mates. Our last 2 was a yellow named Hunter and a black that was named Zeus. Hunter lived to be 14 and Zeus 9, he passed 1 year to the day after Hunter from a tumor that broke his leg. The quietness lasted only 3 days, we decided to make our lives chaotic again and got these guys. Wouldn't have it any other way.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.