How many of our members vote?

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You boys need to give up on enlightening Crusty or any other liberal for that matter. They have no ability or desire to see what's right in front of them. They will sing the same old song because that's all they know. But I will tell ya it's been entertaining.:)


Montecresto el segundo
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You said “if independents actually voted independent we wouldn’t be talking about Trump or Clinton” this implies that another candidate would have won and independents wouldn’t have voted for D or R. This is just blatantly false. Most independents are that because they don’t believe either big party and want to decide for themselves based on the people running. Not because they are libertarians, socialists, or anything else...

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Have you actually studied why Americans are leaving their party’s and registering as independents???

This is a good read, if you’re interested.

Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics


Montecresto el segundo
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OBAMAcare costing near 300billion a year doesn't help the deficit....and its only going to get MORE expensive as per the wording in it.
You’re right about the PPACA. It was written by the right wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation and upheld twice by a right leaning SCOTUS. And it’s fraught with problems, but it also has some very good aspects to it.


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You’re right about the PPACA. It was written by the right wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation and upheld twice by a right leaning SCOTUS. And it’s fraught with problems, but it also has some very good aspects to it.

I must be dumber than I thought I was. Thanks so much for enlightening me on virtually everything I've ever thought.
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The Great Bald One
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Personally I think not enough attention is paid to the local elections.. if you really want to see change that is where you start. Locally we had a hot election for School board (basically a big show down that would have determined direction of the schools) and like 800 people turned out to vote the winner got 500 votes and it was an all time turn out... and it was still a very small % of the population


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Personally I think not enough attention is paid to the local elections.. if you really want to see change that is where you start. Locally we had a hot election for School board (basically a big show down that would have determined direction of the schools) and like 800 people turned out to vote the winner got 500 votes and it was an all time turn out... and it was still a very small % of the population
Agree 100%... if there's a ballot, i'm voting. SO MUCH ROT EVERYWHERE that needs to be cleaned out!


Montecresto el segundo
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Personally I think not enough attention is paid to the local elections.. if you really want to see change that is where you start.
That is something I can totally agree with you on. And there’s increasingly qualified candidates running as independents in locals for anyone so inclined.


Montecresto el segundo
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Agree 100%... if there's a ballot, i'm voting. SO MUCH ROT EVERYWHERE that needs to be cleaned out!
That’s a great perspective and like Ragnar said, that really is where you (everyone) can affect the most influence!!


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
OBAMAcare costing near 300billion a year doesn't help the deficit....and its only going to get MORE expensive as per the wording in it.
The foundation of the PPACA was conceived by republicans and conservatives and was a great idea when it was their idea, but became the devil when Obama adopted and implemented it.

“The concept goes back to at least 1989, when the conservative The Heritage Foundation proposed an individual mandate as an alternative to single-payer health care.[134][135] It was championed for a time by conservative economists and Republican senators as a market-based approach to healthcare reform on the basis of individual responsibility and avoidance of free rider problems”.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia


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The foundation of the PPACA was conceived by republicans and conservatives and was a great idea when it was their idea, but became the devil when Obama adopted and implemented it.

“The concept goes back to at least 1989, when the conservative The Heritage Foundation proposed an individual mandate as an alternative to single-payer health care.[134][135] It was championed for a time by conservative economists and Republican senators as a market-based approach to healthcare reform on the basis of individual responsibility and avoidance of free rider problems”.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia
It was a damn STUPID/socialistic idea regardless who thought it up ....... BUT, back to you allegation ...... ObummerCare was NOT written by the right wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation. They may have had a stupid, flawed idea, but it was shut down by the R's.

That is like saying our Constitution was written by Rodger Ludlow in 1639 ......... NOT. Some ideas were the same but totally different document.
The first colonial constitution........
The first colonial constitution - Jan 14, 1639 -
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My EcoBoost has I4WD
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You’re right about the PPACA. It was written by the right wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation and upheld twice by a right leaning SCOTUS. And it’s fraught with problems, but it also has some very good aspects to it.

BUT its not called Trumpcare, its not called republicancare, its not called libertariancare (that would REALLY be irony), its called OBAMACARE, he's the figurehead for that one. If he and his cronies are going to FORCE it through, you don't get to blame cost or rising cost on anyone else. That says way before ObamaCare they did, it doesn't say they succeeded or endorsed ObamaCare, way to put that crazed liberal spin on it.

My attitude is if you screw up you own it, try to fix it, and move on. Crazed liberals push a policy then blame everyone else for it not working then scream, "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!(we want to abort)"

Shut-up Monte!

This forum does fine till you start spouting your BS, there may be a disagreement or two but we voice our problem between ourselves, make our peace, and move on still friends. I have even seen people help save others marriages, take up collections for members, there are good folks who care about each other on here. While there may be left wing nut jobs, right wing nut jobs, gays and straights, and everything in between(@JTW), we all seem to get along just fine making modifications, pissing of lazy government workers(@Chooglin), arguing about shocks, tires and winches, riding round breaking axels, and bending tie rods till you open your pie-hole. You really don't HAVE to try to re-educate everyone you meet in you your way of thinking, find a common ground and break axels on it.

I haven't been on in a while, I've been working a lot (due to the improved economy) but IT is working on my laptop so I have a bit of free time to catch up on the forum, this is ridiculous. I have tried numerous times in PM to get you to chill out just a little but that hasn't worked you're still wearing your crazed liberal kale hat, so I am going to chastise you publicly to save you the time of posting selective pictures of a PM.


Montecresto el segundo
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BUT its not called Trumpcare, its not called republicancare, its not called libertariancare (that would REALLY be irony), its called OBAMACARE, he's the figurehead for that one. If he and his cronies are going to FORCE it through, you don't get to blame cost or rising cost on anyone else. That says way before ObamaCare they did, it doesn't say they succeeded or endorsed ObamaCare, way to put that crazed liberal spin on it.

My attitude is if you screw up you own it, try to fix it, and move on. Crazed liberals push a policy then blame everyone else for it not working then scream, "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!(we want to abort)"

Shut-up Monte!

This forum does fine till you start spouting your BS, there may be a disagreement or two but we voice our problem between ourselves, make our peace, and move on still friends. I have even seen people help save others marriages, take up collections for members, there are good folks who care about each other on here. While there may be left wing nut jobs, right wing nut jobs, gays and straights, and everything in between(@JTW), we all seem to get along just fine making modifications, pissing of lazy government workers(@Chooglin), arguing about shocks, tires and winches, riding round breaking axels, and bending tie rods till you open your pie-hole. You really don't HAVE to try to re-educate everyone you meet in you your way of thinking, find a common ground and break axels on it.

I haven't been on in a while, I've been working a lot (due to the improved economy) but IT is working on my laptop so I have a bit of free time to catch up on the forum, this is ridiculous. I have tried numerous times in PM to get you to chill out just a little but that hasn't worked you're still wearing your crazed liberal kale hat, so I am going to chastise you publicly to save you the time of posting selective pictures of a PM.
I’m sorry, but as an American I am entitled to my opinion. And it’s very un-American for you to tell me to shut up when voicing it when everybody else is here voicing there’s, just because you happen to disagree with it, not to mention uncivil and not becoming of a moderator. :rolleyes:

One poster in this thread has had the integrity to acknowledge the value of diverging views as this great country was created to accommodate.
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The Great Bald One
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Not who came up with it or who wanted to or did implement it but do you believe in healthcare run and mandated by the government? I believe there are few things a gov can do well and getting that involved in healthcare is not one of them.

but this is about voting so I digress. but I think Mike Rowe sums it us best

Hi Jeremy

Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it. I also share your concern for our country, and agree wholeheartedly that every vote counts. However, I’m afraid I can’t encourage millions of people whom I’ve never met to just run out and cast a ballot, simply because they have the right to vote. That would be like encouraging everyone to buy an AR-15, simply because they have the right to bear arms. I would need to know a few things about them before offering that kind of encouragement. For instance, do they know how to care for a weapon? Can they afford the cost of the weapon? Do they have a history of violence? Are they mentally stable? In short, are they responsible citizens?

Casting a ballot is not so different. It’s an important right that we all share, and one that impacts our society in dramatic fashion. But it’s one thing to respect and acknowledge our collective rights, and quite another thing to affirmatively encourage people I’ve never met to exercise them. And yet, my friends in Hollywood do that very thing, and they’re at it again.

Every four years, celebrities and movie stars look earnestly into the camera and tell the country to “get out and vote.” They tell us it’s our “most important civic duty,” and they speak as if the very act of casting a ballot is more important than the outcome of the election. This strikes me as somewhat hysterical. Does anyone actually believe that Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen DeGeneres, and Ed Norton would encourage the “masses” to vote, if they believed the “masses” would elect Donald Trump?

Regardless of their political agenda, my celebrity pals are fundamentally mistaken about our “civic duty” to vote. There is simply no such thing. Voting is a right, not a duty, and not a moral obligation. Like all rights, the right to vote comes with some responsibilities, but lets face it – the bar is not set very high. If you believe aliens from another planet walk among us, you are welcome at the polls. If you believe the world is flat, and the moon landing was completely staged, you are invited to cast a ballot. Astrologists, racists, ghost-hunters, sexists, and people who rely upon a Magic 8 Ball to determine their daily wardrobe are all allowed to participate. In fact, and to your point, they’re encouraged.

The undeniable reality is this: our right to vote does not require any understanding of current events, or any awareness of how our government works. So, when a celebrity reminds the country that “everybody’s vote counts,” they are absolutely correct. But when they tell us that “everybody in the country should get out there and vote,” regardless of what they think or believe, I gotta wonder what they’re smoking.

Look at our current candidates. No one appears to like either one of them. Their approval ratings are at record lows. It’s not about who you like more, it’s about who you hate less. Sure, we can blame the media, the system, and the candidates themselves, but let’s be honest – Donald and Hillary are there because we put them there. The electorate has tolerated the intolerable. We’ve treated this entire process like the final episode of American Idol. What did we expect?

So no, Jeremy – I can’t personally encourage everyone in the country to run out and vote. I wouldn’t do it, even if I thought it would benefit my personal choice. Because the truth is, the country doesn’t need voters who have to be cajoled, enticed, or persuaded to cast a ballot. We need voters who wish to participate in the process. So if you really want me to say something political, how about this – read more.

Spend a few hours every week studying American history, human nature, and economic theory. Start with “Economics in One Lesson.” Then try Keynes. Then Hayek. Then Marx. Then Hegel. Develop a worldview that you can articulate as well as defend. Test your theory with people who disagree with you. Debate. Argue. Adjust your philosophy as necessary. Then, when the next election comes around, cast a vote for the candidate whose worldview seems most in line with your own.

Or, don’t. None of the freedoms spelled out in our Constitution were put there so people could cast uninformed ballots out of some misplaced sense of civic duty brought on by a celebrity guilt-trip. The right to assemble, to protest, to speak freely – these rights were included to help assure that the best ideas and the best candidates would emerge from the most transparent process possible.

Remember – there’s nothing virtuous or patriotic about voting just for the sake of voting, and the next time someone tells you otherwise, do me a favor – ask them who they’re voting for. Then tell them you’re voting for their opponent. Then, see if they’ll give you a ride to the polls.

In the meantime, dig into “Economics in One Lesson,” by Henry Hazlitt. It sounds like a snooze but it really is a page turner, and you can download it for free.



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Monte, My “opinion” is you spout garbage 90% of the time, as a moderator I could delete your post but like you said and I agree you can have an opinion, however this is not the forum to share them on, they are NOT the topic of the forum. 1st amendment applies to speech against the government, it doesn’t mean you can share your view on a privately owned forum and everyone has to listen to it. That also the beauty of America.

It’s not, views or not they need to be taken to the appropriate forum and this is not it and you have been INFORMED numerous time previously when threads went sideways.

Feel free to go share your opinions on Facebook and not the Honda Pioneer Riders group either.

Now seeing as this is NOT in the pub where there is more leniency of content, and as a moderator I AM going to lock the thread so we can all go back to talking about axels and what size lift it takes to fit 32’s.
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