Outerwear option is a really good suggestion. In respect to K&N think its the application (vehicle and use), local dust conditions (meaning alkaline soils etc) and good monitoring, cleaning and oiling practices. Wouldn't run one on a forced induction engine after my experiences with K&N on a 7.3 powerstroke Diesel. Too high of air demand in this application even with an outerwear, had dust get through filter. On my 2001 Honda Rubi, ran one for 9000kms never a problem and with exhaust and jet kit perked it up significantly. Wife's Honda Civic, 05 Honda CRV, never a problem. With my P5 and having changed the air intake for pick up to head height back of cab I'm still fence sittin and will monitor stock filter of now. Using stock air intake point, I'm not sure I'd use a K&N, or at the very least would be with an Outerwear and monitor closely.