I'm thinking about removing or gutting the catalytic converter. I've noticed the cooling fan kicking on quite often and removing the Cadillac converter should let the engine run cooler but I don't know what effects it will have on the fuel injection. Your advice would be appreciated thanks
With electronic fuel injection and O2 sensors, the machine will probably hold the same fuel to air ratio regardless of whether you have a catalytic converter or not. A very lean air to fuel ratio like Honda is currently using is greatly responsible for the added heat coming from underneath. Ask JAK if he has noticed a difference in heat. I noticed a very significant difference in heat on the pioneer 1000 after changing the fuel air ratio with a power commander.
Hope that helps.
One other thing, a catalytic converter will hold heat longer after the engine is off but I'm not so sure if you're going to be able to tell any difference by removing it. The only thing you'll get is more noise.
"DGann"....I hammer down one time and break something and joeymt33 don't let me forget it!!!!!