I am hoping to be in the market for a 5th wheel toyhauler next year. We currently have a 24' Bumper Pull with a 16' garage but after a couple of years our list of must haves has outgrown the unit. With a young boy and a dirty dog a separate garage is the biggest must have. Here is the rub - I don't want a 40' plus unit due to storage and manuverability concerns. Ideally I would like to get a 35-37'er. The problem is most of the ones in this range have a 10' garage which should accommodate a P1000-5 but nothing more. The kid and myself will probably ( if I have anything to do with it ) want dirt bikes to go along with the P1000 at some point. At this point I am almost just thinking about getting a 10' garage and pulling a small utility in tandem down the road with the bikes,4 wheels etc.. First world problems here - any suggestions?