Where Eagles & Angels....Dare to Fly...
Lifetime Member
Well saidFriday, October 14, 2016 - 6:24 am
To the Editor:
I could not help but wonder if those authors of Letter’s to the Editor about Donald Trump are aware of some facts of life about the other possible presidential candidate.
Do they know that Hillary's 93-page senior thesis at Wellsley College is sealed? It is the only senior thesis in the history of Wellsley College that is not accessible to anyone. Why is that?
Or that Hillary failed the Washington DC bar exam in 1973?
Or that Hillary was fired from her job in Washington DC in 1974 for unethical and dishonest behavior?
Or that in 1975 Hillary defended a child rapist and is on tape laughing about how she got him off on a technicality?
According to multiple retired secret service agents, Hillary has the foulest mouth in Washington DC, frequently directing the foxtrot word toward staff and security personnel.
That she has close ties to George Soros, a billionaire whose agenda is to promote open borders, mass immigration into the U.S. and ultimately destroy the United States.
It is well known that Hillary is a pathological liar and has been her entire adult life. There are tens of thousands of well documented evidence of her desire to lie about the least of matters or matters of life and death.
More than 50 people who had evidence or knowledge about the Clinton's activities have mysteriously disappeared or died over the last 40 years, some with bullet holes in the back of their heads that were labeled suicides".
Most recently an aide was found shot to death in the back of the head in Washington DC. It was officially labeled a robbery/murder even though according to the police report, the victims’ wallet still had cash and credit cards in it and the victim was still wearing an expensive wristwatch.
The Clinton Foundation, touted by the Clintons as helping to save children's lives around the world and supplying HIV meds to poor countries is perhaps the greatest lie of all, with the records indicating that only 6 percent of the money directly goes for assistance while 94% goes for operating expenses.
Ask the people of Haiti how much aid they received from the Clinton Foundation when their country was devastated by hurricanes? Or how many HIV meds have actually been delivered to Africa?
And you would prefer her to someone who has the support of over 50 military generals and admirals, the border patrol and 90 percent of the police departments across the United States?
William Alguire
Former DeKalb Junction resident