Is that remnants of a volcano, that the lava cooled and the glaciers washed the soil away?
That’s some pretty cool sh....t
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Is that remnants of a volcano, that the lava cooled and the glaciers washed the soil away?
What?? It’s f***ing sand stone... it’s a sedimentary rockIs that remnants of a volcano, that the lava cooled and the glaciers washed the soil away?
What?? It’s f***ing sand stone... it’s a sedimentary rock
Have a great time guys! Expect more pics soonOk, filled up all the gas, got four bags of ice (and a few other essentials) set the trip meter and we’re off. Radio silence most likely for three days. Talk to you men again from Elk City!!!
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Or don’t and take even more pics!Yes , plenty of pics please and be safe.
I may do it within 2 weeks. I had wanted to ride on this one but timing wouldn’t allow for it. I’m going to Walker Valley Wa next weekend and then down to either to MCorridor or the Centennial Trail near Burgdorf hot springs. Great pix @Montecresto , keep em coming! I’m very excited to see the trail through your lens.I wish I would have paid attention to this post earlier. I live in east Idaho and am planning to do this soon. My dad used to haul logs on this road after he got out of the army in WW2. He always talked about it. I have friend just return from this trip on SUnday. He left from home with his KLR and made it a 6 day 5 night trip just with what he packed on his Bike. If you get back through east Idaho Big Juds burgers is also a great stop in several locations. 1 to 4 lb burgers and real fries.
He may be hunting bear with a switch!You still alive Monte?
AW yes!What was a cool surprise is that we followed the Salmon for about 100 miles passing many important historic sights including the exact spot of William Clark’s camp on the Salmon, on August 21-24, 1805 on the western trek. That was cool! And the river is flowing north that entire distance.
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Thanks Chooglin, will do.Yes , plenty of pics please and be safe.
That’s very cool info. I met a guy that’s retired from the forestry fire division who is doing the MC because he said of all the times he was on it while working, he had never seen it during daylight hours....I wish I would have paid attention to this post earlier. I live in east Idaho and am planning to do this soon. My dad used to haul logs on this road after he got out of the army in WW2. He always talked about it. I have friend just return from this trip on SUnday. He left from home with his KLR and made it a 6 day 5 night trip just with what he packed on his Bike. If you get back through east Idaho Big Juds burgers is also a great stop in several locations. 1 to 4 lb burgers and real fries.