Sorry to bump a two year old post but this was the only one I could find with the same issue I am having. I didn't see the OP reply back with his results and it appears he bought a Talon. I have what appears to be the same muddy oil sticking to the same spot - which at first I thought was the Oil Cooler leaking. Right now the mud is frozen so I am going to wait until this weekend when it is suppose to be above freezing to clean her up to get a better look. Dipstick show no noticeable oil loss or oil residue. Drain plugs are clean and tight. Oil filter covers look free from oil. What does that screw go to that he gave a half turn in the photo on post #17? Sounds like that did the trick. I'll check that screw out tomorrow - just trying to get any other suggestions before I get to the machine. Thanks!
Post #17 photo that I copy and pasted from Dragon21 oil leak. That's the right side of the oil cooler in the top right of the photo which was my first suspect before I saw this post.
Post #17 photo that I copy and pasted from Dragon21 oil leak. That's the right side of the oil cooler in the top right of the photo which was my first suspect before I saw this post.