Gotcha. Well I've got the shocks in hand so I'm going to install them, oh yeah, I'm doing singles to start, I may order another set to do doubles after I see how these go. Trying to decide if I should buy Chooglin's Shrader valve???
Try them with the hoke valve first- you already have it- and see what you think. Easy to go back to stock. I think you're gonna be amazed at the difference. I never ran my single set up 'isolated' and I purposely did stuff like 'donuts' ,hand brake slides, and driving on the sides of steep ditches to test difference in, well, 'scariness' I guess. The body did lean more, but nothing that made me think I screwed up, and, that's with my sway bar removed. Now with the doubles- I've only run these isolated- I've done the same things. The body rolls less, the ride is firmer, but not harsh, or sharp like the stockers were, and just feels more 'controlled' in general, allows me to run about 1/2 the air pressure that the singles needed, and has much better resistance to bottoming when driving like a maniac, and doesn't throw me up against the seat-belt at all, vs. the stockers trying to kill me in the same situation. In fact, I did some test rides and forgot to even put the seat belt on, and didn't get lifted off the seat at all. I don't think you'll be disappointed.