What are you buying nextHere you go, Honda friends! We owned and loved Rambo for 16 months - longer than we normally keep one of our T & E fleet vehicles. Here's my final video, entitled "7 Things I Love". I sold Rambo to a gentleman who lives in Cabo San Lucas, so Rambo will be cruising southern Baja California, before perhaps ending up as a mango or livestock hauler.This guy drove all the way up for Rambo, because it was the only used Pioneer 500 listed for sale on Craigslist in the State of Arizona!
What's "T & E"?Here you go, Honda friends! We owned and loved Rambo for 16 months - longer than we normally keep one of our T & E fleet vehicles. Here's my final video, entitled "7 Things I Love". I sold Rambo to a gentleman who lives in Cabo San Lucas, so Rambo will be cruising southern Baja California, before perhaps ending up as a mango or livestock hauler.This guy drove all the way up for Rambo, because it was the only used Pioneer 500 listed for sale on Craigslist in the State of Arizona!
Test and Evaluation.What's "T & E"?
I guess I didn't realize you do this "professionally".Test and Evaluation.
What machines have you previously tested/evaluated and how did the P500 stack up to them?Here you go, Honda friends! We owned and loved Rambo for 16 months - longer than we normally keep one of our T & E fleet vehicles.
I guess I didn't realize you do this "professionally".
No. I’m not a professional. I studied in college to do it professionally. It’s a hobby for me. But I do make an honest effort to test and evaluate and share my findings and experiences with folks via social media. It’s a work in progress. My brother-in-law and I do plan ahead and rotate a growing number of machines for this purpose. It’s really fun, and we involve our friends and family. Along the way I get to be part of neat communities like this one. I love getting something new every year, even against my own prejudices, and giving it a fair shake in as many scenarios and terrains as I can, then sharing my findings and honest ownership opinions with anybody who wants to hear/see them. YouTube Adsense earnings help supplement the effort, but the bulk is out-of-pocket just like it is for anyone else. I’m not a “professional”, but I’m serious about participating in a meaningful way, and being involved in the powersports industry.I guess I didn't realize you do this "professionally".
Previously only various ATVs and dirt bikes until fall of 2018 when we (my brother-in-law and I) ponied up the cash to purchase two new side by sides, one being Rambo, the other a 2019 Polaris General. Obviously these two machines are not true competitors, so we’ve never treated them as such, but rather just shared our findings, experiences, and opinions on each one separately. I’ve spent a lot of time behind the wheel of 2017 RZR XP Turbos that belong to my employers, but I do my best to keep those experiences compartmentalized because it would be wrong to measure a P500 against a RZR Turbo. I’ve enjoyed Rambo very much inside the intended purposes of the machine. Someday I’ll be able to answer your question better when I’ve owned other comparable trail units. But with a 12-month ownership cycle, that’ll take time. Thanks for asking!What machines have you previously tested/evaluated and how did the P500 stack up to them?
I’ve obviously offended you, and I apologize. I looked up the word “shill” - so I understand what you’re getting at. The word implies something covert and devious. I don’t think that’s fair. Product “promo” (promotion) codes have been around long enough I figure everyone understands that a promotion code is exactly what it overtly says it is...a product promotion. Like anyone else, I spent many hours, and several weeks researching what tires and wheels to put on my Pioneer 500. I settled on the SunF “Power II” because it met my criteria. I have loved the tires! Naturally I will share that experience with others, because it was the experiences of others (neighbor dairy farmers) that turned me on to SunF Tires in the first place. I don’t feel that sharing my positive experience and offering this community a 5% savings on good tires via a product promotion code is a devious thing to do. I’ve grown to respect and enjoy this community very much, and I apologize if you feel I’ve deceived you, futzin.I never saw reference to that, either. I guess the repeated shill for the small discount on tires should have been a tip off . . .
Good luck with your business, sir.
That's why I used the word professional in quotes. Not Fishers ATV pro...but purchased for an evaluation. Semi-pro, I guess?🤣 The nice "branding" logo should have been a clue too...No. I’m not a professional. I studied in college to do it professionally. It’s a hobby for me. But I do make an honest effort to test and evaluate and share my findings and experiences with folks via social media. It’s a work in progress. My brother-in-law and I do plan ahead and rotate a growing number of machines for this purpose. It’s really fun, and we involve our friends and family. Along the way I get to be part of neat communities like this one. I love getting something new every year, even against my own prejudices, and giving it a fair shake in as many scenarios and terrains as I can, then sharing my findings and honest ownership opinions with anybody who wants to hear/see them. YouTube Adsense earnings help supplement the effort, but the bulk is out-of-pocket just like it is for anyone else. I’m not a “professional”, but I’m serious about participating in a meaningful way, and being involved in the powersports industry.
Thanks DG. Let me reassure you though, I bought the P500 because I've wanted one since they came out in '14. I have LOVED Honda off road vehicles since I was a kid on the farm, and we used (new) Big Red ATC's. I'm a huge fan of the Recon, Rancher, and Foreman ATV's. NOT a fan of the Rincon. I had been watching the P500 and waiting for the right time to pull the trigger. Fall of 2018 was the perfect time to get into a P500 - money was there, and it was the right machine for the time. In fact, if I wasn't such a addict to all things powersports, I would have kept it for several more years.That's why I used the word professional in quotes. Not Fishers ATV pro...but purchased for an evaluation. Semi-pro, I guess?🤣 The nice "branding" logo should have been a clue too...
Not that it really matters. It's just...words and videos coming from a guy/gal who purchased a 500 purely because they love the little 500 are a bit different than someone who just picked it out of a line up, so to speak.
I have enjoyed your videos. Good luck with the Can Am.
Thanks! This forum has been so fun, active, and helpful that I don't want to leave. I also expect to be back with another (Honda) SxS in a year or two. I will admit that my gut prejudice has long been FOR Honda (incl other Japanese OEMs) and AGAINST Can-Am/Polaris, but for 2020 I decided it's time to take a stab at objectivity and try out a Can-Am, otherwise I'll end up looking like nothing more than a Honda cheerleader - and while that's fun, it's not truly helpful to me or anyone else.Despite selling your P5 and moving on with something else, myself (and I'm sure my fellow forum members) appreciate and respect your honest opinions on the machine and hope you remain part of the community.