I did watch your snow videos and couldn't stop laughing at your reaction,lol
. The snow you were in wouldn't even warrant plowing! But I guess to you it was a lot! If you want to ride in some real snow come to North Dakota and then you can talk. Lol
To be fair, there was only one video where I'm going to say I went through deep snow. It's the one where I found a bucket. Crap video, I know, but I went back and measured. I left a 21 inch rut, and wasn't at the bottom of the snow. I kept backing up and going forward and was starting to dig down into the sugar.
That's the ditch where they plow the road off. It was very very deep, and it seemed to be getting deeper every second.
The other videos is me playing in a gravel bar that only has like a foot.
Never been to North Dakota. What's the weather like?
Come to think about it, did I show the video of me finding the bucket? That was like the highlight of my day.
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