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That's why your the prez , impressive , but please stop wearing socks with your crocsLook at the max load on the shock you posted. Consider your SxS weighs something over 1k pounds. Factor in your weight. Factor in a passenger’s weight (if applicable). Factor in your load/gear weight. That gets you to the static weight load. Now bounce up and down on your bathroom scale and see how high your weight bouncing on that scale gets to. Jump an inch or two in the air and see what that scale spikes up to. Those max fluctuations are your dynamic load. Consider from there what you think that type of dynamic load would be for the entire weight of your static SxS load you calculated earlier.
Long story short….I’d bet you’re going to blow out those shock seals in very short order. IMHO…don’t waste your time or your money.
Welcome to the forum from Canton, OH!
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