I was going to use the 10w40, but all the parts store had was the 20w50 4T. When I change it the next time I’ll get them to pre order the oil for me. Also need to enlarge the drain hole in the SATV skid plate for the sub trans and one of the engine oil drains. Those two horizontal drain plugs will leave a Lake Mead size pool of oil on top of the skid plate. I’ll also be cutting a hole in the skid plate below the filters. Thought I was being real smart cutting the bottom off of the bottom of a quart oil bottle to put under the filters to catch the oil. Worked well for the DCT filter but when the main oil filter came off it was Lake Mead time again.Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I do the same but use 4T Mobil Racing 10-40 in the Sub trans.
Quiet and shifts like butter.