With all due respect, I had exactly the same issue with my SuperATV windshield install on my Talon. I called SuperATV, got someone in customer service who clearly was not technically capable of answering the question and indicated that they'd pass my problem on to someone else who would call me back. I never got a call back.
Now, this is was quite some time back - long before COVID - so they can't use that excuse (which has become so prevalent with so many companies over the last few months).
Loosening the hardware to apply some *pre-bend* to match the bend caused by the shock cylinders did help mitigate the issue somewhat, but not entirely. My background is engineering (and yes, sales). It seems to me that a better design would have had the geometry of the shock cylinders and brackets positioned such that, when closed, they would cam over their fully compressed condition in the last inch or two of closure, which would have the net result of having the cylinders (which naturally want to extend) actually compress the corners of the upper windshield into the bottom section, rather than causing them to stand off.
BOTTOM LINE: It's a nice windshield, but has some flaws, 1) the afore mentioned gap at the outside corners, and 2) the fact that the upper/lower seam is positioned exactly in many people's line of sight, such that it really is a nuisance while riding (this isn't an issue for me, as I'm 6'4", but my wife HATES it).
Finally, many of you are pretty hard on this new member. How about a bit of compassion? The problem he's experienced is not new. It is a known issue to the manufacturer. Although I've had generally good experience with SuperATV, in my experience on this particular issue they completely dropped the ball. Let's just say their lack of response to me did not inspire confidence.