Heading up on Thursday morning, just before the Georgia line on I-85 the check engine light on our 2011 VW Touareg tow vehicle came on followed shortly by an EPC code, major loss of power and rough running like on 3 or 4 cylinders. While I limped back home my wife called the service center we use, wouldn’t be able to do anything until Friday, and maybe not be able to fix until following week.
Dropped trailer at home, unloaded everything from the VW and she followed me in her car to Opelika Ford.
Near the end of our test drive in an F-150 crew cab just before pulling back into the dealership an 18 wheel flatbed cut the corner to short and clipped the front left of the truck.
A few hours latter we left the lot with a slightly damaged new truck (must be at least 25 years since I bought a new vehicle, usually get CPO’s).
Got back home, loaded up and hit the road again, made it to Pioneer about 12:30am Friday.
Pioneer did great outside of high centering twice and overheating several times due to a mud caked radiator and a few dents.
All in all, we had a great time and look forward to next year.
Pam did mention that this was the most expensive weekend we ever had in nearly 39 years of marriage, but she had a great time too.