I picked up the first on in Ca.. from Huntington Beach.. It was a long drive, and tons of traffic, but I got it.Here at SRS We will be developing a tender kit, full replacement dual-rate spring kit with adjustable crossover collars , as well as valving& adjustment mods ;to optimize the capabilities of the machine.. It is deceptively quick.. reminds me of my Duramax with allison trans.. clicks through the gears, and it really doesn’t sound or seem like you are going that fast, but you are. I didn’t get a chance to drive it all that much today, other than back it off the trailer & then around our acreage at the shop. I have talked to some of the early group testers of the live/non-live valve models.. Those that had little previous driving experience preferred the “flat” handling of the live valve.. That predictability comes at the expense of plushness.. Those who had prior experience, across the board preferred the non live valve, as they weren’t freaked out by a tiny bit of body roll, and liked the plusher ride of that model over the computer controlled one.. We will start a build thread as soon as parts start coming in.