Had the rig out this past weekend for the first time. My son and i had a blast with it. Learned a few things from strapping the thing down, i'll remove the trailer spare tire from where i put, it hangs to low in there, literally 5" or so from the ground.
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RAM RSM, on Flickr
20240511_143119 by
RAM RSM, on Flickr
Asides from that we had one issue where the engine died on me when we where at an incline and i stopped to take a picture. I remember the engine idle went up a little bit like it will for example if i had an intake leak and then the engine died. Restarted without any issues and continued on, i stopped the Talon again like 200-300ft from where it died initially and it did it again. rpm went a little higher then the engine stalled. I didn't want to take the chances so we back to the truck and back home. At home i checked the prefilter just in case , battery cables, ground points etc. Didn't find anything loose although my prefilter was oiled to heck. Cleaned that out and went back to the same place yesterday.
We played for about 1 hour or so getting a feel for the rig without any issues. So i'm not sure what it was but i was reading around that sometimes the motor can have a fluke like this ? I went WOT couple of times and holy cow she's got lots of power to peg us back to our seats. I can only imagine how thing will do with a Turbo lol.
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RAM RSM, on Flickr
20240511_145434 by
RAM RSM, on Flickr
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RAM RSM, on Flickr
For the packout i kept things simple
30-qt Igloo cooler for $30, Bauer large tool box from HF for $39, and one of the bags i have in my Jeep to keep tools

, used 2 ratchet straps to keep things secured down there.
20240513_110818 by
RAM RSM, on Flickr