Still no locker in a P500. - virtually
every other o.e.m. in the category does, and customers have been complaining about it since day #1.. Still no more than a 250H.P. outboard.
Every other o.e.m. does-except Tohatsu, cuz Tohatsus are Hondas. Still no sport SxS. W.T.F? Toyota OWNs Honda in the automotive dependability world. Honda still doesn't have a full size pick-up..... Yamaha OWNs Honda in the marine industry. Polaris OWNs Honda in the SxS world- in spite of the crap they build. I don't know about the motorcycle world, but I have a feeling they aren't real competitive there either. There's something seriously wrong with this company. It's like they don't give a crap about being the most bad-a** machine in any field- ever. They never give us anything to brag about other than 'dependability' but obviously,
most buyers seriously don't give a sh**. You know what's new for Honda Marine engines for 2018? Get ready! You can get them in
white!! That should have sales soaring! F'n white.....that's it. I haven't checked, but I have a feeling Honda's (relative) market share is probably shrinking, or stagnant in every category, except sxs cuz they're relatively new in the market, and there's just a certain number of people that will buy Hondas for reputation alone, so by default, their market share is growing, because their market share was 0 a few years ago...but they will never own the market until they get off there a** and build some outer limits stuff, like
all of the other mainstream o.e.m.'s. Don't hold your breath on a sport model coming out anytime soon, and when (if) it does, all the other machines will still kick it's a**, and our buddies will still laugh at us for losing yet another race, and we'll still be saying "Oh Ya-but it's really dependable"

AND, I really hope I'm wrong! Meanwhile, I'm going to buy another brand machine so I can go riding, and keep up with my buddies....