THE REAL TRUTH Behind DJ Bam Entertainment Services, By DJ Bam!



NTC's Newest Fool
Lifetime Member
Apr 2, 2024

  1. Talon R4 LV
Hope you’re up on your “law degree”. Another no no, Richard just posted my messages and didn’t include my name publicly this time, admitting…said guilt Mr Lawman!

To all members who were at the Takeover May24 2019 & remember me as DJ BAM with the Party Trailer. I’ve held off until Now to tell you THE TRUTH. That is…I canceled Last Minute of the event (a day before) as my MOM was on her death bed. Richard (your Great leader) who Overly Praised Me in 2019 for the job I did, was upset/tried to push me to come to the event KNOWING my mom was in ICU. He Even gave me a guilt trip about how much a DJ would Overly charge him for being hired last minute for the event.
He’s Yet to send me Any condolences or even to Acknowledge Publicly on this page WHY I couldn’t make the Event, so You All would know WHY I was absent! Well…he has not hired me back since, due to this “Life Changing Event” I’ve had and because how I must’ve “Inconvenienced Him”
ALL OF YOU HAVE/HAVE HAD MOTHERS. Ask yourself….How would you feel about your “Leader”, knowing he’s that Shallow of a Person, would Value his Event over someone else's Life. I still stay in contact with a few of you, and All I’ve listed above are Facts!
I just wanted to say, I Thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of You in 2018 & 2019!! I’m glad I was able to entertain you all in 2019, having you dance, laugh and have fun!!
To ALL OF YOU I wish you safe adventures and Pray You don’t lose a parent and GOD allows them to live a Long Time!! 🙏🏼
For ANY who doubt me…here’s the Proof, as you see the text below between Richard and I, NO RESPONSE BACK!

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I am by no means an attorney, but you yourself posted your mother's picture, her FULL NAME, full birthdate, death date and the hospital you all were in. You, sir, have posted way more personal information that any hacker can use to find you than @Hondasxs ever did. The information in the screenshot of the message is public information that anyone with an FB could come across.


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da Yoop

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  2. Talon X
Notice how Richard didn’t put my name up there this time, this is admitting he Now realizes it’s wrong and illegal. All of your profiles who’ve commented in a way to defame me/my brand have been screen shot, therefore your file will be included in this as well, defaming someone you don’t know and with malicious intent is Illegal, ask your “HondaSxS lawyer”. We’ll see who gets the last laugh!
Oh and the screenshot of him Not responding after I called/texted him was from a phone text, not Fbook message. That’s how he and I contacted each other originally. FYI.
Eat a bag of dicks and go away


Active Member
Feb 27, 2018
Raleigh NC

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I would. I'm petty and vindictive.

*edit - Just saw I got called out by him. 🤣🤣🤣 This F'n guy. Please, PLEASE let this escalate. I'd love to see him try to take a legal avenue over an internet post that hurt his feelings.
Ask a lawyer, malicious intent and defamation, it’s real buddy as you’ve hurt my reputation (not feelings) “on an internet post” by making this Google accessed, as you encouraged it and laughed at it. Laugh it up, until…it’s not funny!
I am by no means an attorney, but you yourself posted your mother's picture, her FULL NAME, birthday teacher, death date and the hospital you all were in. You, sir, have posted way more personal information that can any hacker can use to find you than @Hondasxs ever did. The information in the screenshot of the message is public information that anyone with a FB could come across.
With all due respect, If I put it up there, then I did myself. I sent Richard a DM for him to read, but He decided to share and with this, he posted my name from Fbook. My personal Fbook acct is private. Therefore “if” you didn’t know my name, you wouldn’t know the account as Richard let be known.
At the end of the day, Read the past posts. Richard made it known he was putting it on Google with “SEO’s” for people to find on searches. He also bragged of the ranking it got. This IS considered malicious, may want to read up on LAW. It’s against it!


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  2. Talon R
You contacted me today looking to get this post removed.
You claim defaming content.
And I totally agree.
Post 1 contains all the defaming one needs.

I have offered a resolution.
You almost completed it, but failed to do it here, where it is needed.

That offer is still open.
My only caveat was that it was as equal to all your other long winded post. A few words is not going to cut the mustard.
If it is sincere. I will agree to removing this thread of your own making.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk


Unburdened by what has been!
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Aug 10, 2017
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The law, Its how I interpret it and take it. As what you said, I believe goes along with other “Gay” content that people on this site have insinuated that I am/or disgusting gifs that have been displayed. Keep talking, it only hurts you!
Friday night and you’re on the internet? The DJ business that slow?


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Jan 30, 2018
Hope you’re up on your “law degree”. Another no no, Richard just posted my messages and didn’t include my name publicly this time, admitting…said guilt Mr Lawman!
For someone who publicly threatened multiple folks in this thread … you sure seem convinced you are in the right when screenshots have been posted that show you clearly were not.

Seriously, just apologize in this thread “I’m sorry and I was wrong”, most will forgive you and ultimately everyone will move on.

Or….take it to the other extreme … file lawsuit(s), waste time, energy, resources and ultimately your money. You will lose. You will be poorer for it. You will have no one to blame but yourself.

Peace and blessings either way DJBam.


NTC's Newest Fool
Lifetime Member
Apr 2, 2024

  1. Talon R4 LV
With all due respect, If I put it up there, then I did myself. I sent Richard a DM for him to read, but He decided to share and with this, he posted my name from Fbook. My personal Fbook acct is private. Therefore “if” you didn’t know my name, you wouldn’t know the account as Richard let be known.
At the end of the day, Read the past posts. Richard made it known he was putting it on Google with “SEO’s” for people to find on searches. He also bragged of the ranking it got. This IS considered malicious, may want to read up on LAW. It’s against it!
With all due respect, my point still stands that you, yourself, posted here information that links your personal information to your DJBam username. From a very simple Google search of your mother's name, I was able to find your personal information and link you to DJBam. You did that, not @Hondasxs

Screenshot 20240510 221954 Samsung Internet


Active Member
Feb 27, 2018
Raleigh NC

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You contacted me today looking to get this post removed.
You claim defaming content.
And I totally agree.
Post 1 contains all the defaming one needs.

I have offered a resolution.
You almost completed it, but failed to do it here, where it is needed.

That offer is still open.
My only caveat was that it was as equal to all your other long winded post. A few words is not going to cut the mustard.
If it is sincere. I will agree to removing this thread of your own making.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
Nice try. You never replied to my text by phone when letting you know in 2019 why I wouldn’t be attending. That’s a fact, and that’s what I meant in my 1st thread I posted, not Fbook Messenger. FACTS! Try again buddy. You keep digging yourself deeper by your careless posts in this page of my personal message that I sent to you directly. So WHO here really has started this back up, “looking for input for this continued matter”, as You said! Even one of your first posts had a “lol”. Nothings funny here Richard. This is Serious. Court serious. This is on you for letting this get out of hand. I came to you Personally and asked you nicely to take it down with an apology, and You decided to share it here with others causing me Stress and Duress with their ugly/nasty responses and for others to see. Another legal no no Richard. You’re the Founder of this site, responsibility is on You!
You should’ve done what “Most” adults would’ve done, accepted my apology and taken it down. You didn’t. You exposed it. NOW you’ve shown ‘some’ of these fine people your true colors! A leader who can’t make a decision on his own, but makes it public to get help/advice at the expense of another human being and his brand.
Time will tell. It’s a No No Richard.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2018
Raleigh NC

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With all due respect, my point still stands that you, yourself, posted here information that links your personal information to your DJBam username. From a very simple Google search of your mother's name, I was able to find your personal information and link you to DJBam. You did that, not @Hondasxs

View attachment 428610
If that charge fails…malicious intent and defamation of character is still on the table.


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Jan 30, 2018
If this thread or forum is causing anyone stress, I’d recommend clicking the X in the upper right hand corner of the web browser. To be clear, what I’m saying is…log out and never come back. Seems like an obvious thing any reasonable adult can handle doing.


NTC's NoMo Chupacabra Caliente!!....
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Oct 31, 2019
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  1. Other Brand

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I think @DJBam is pissed off cause we've made him more famous than his DJ dkillz 😂😂😂 what a phucking dumbass!!!!! 🤦‍♂️😂😂😂

And now we have to be all politically correct and shît?? 🖕You @DJBam, you fag fondling homo!!!!
Screenshot that ☝️

So hopefully even your lawyer can laugh in you're face 🤦‍♂️ your probly a Biden loving retard!!!

I'd also tell you to go eat a bag of dicks but you'd probably enjoy that 😂😂😂

Defamation 😂😂😂 I've never heard your music but I'm pretty sure I'd rather listen to Taylor Swift till my ears bleed than listen to your digital chicken scratch🙄🖕 you butt hurt little bîtch......... your mom should've swallowed you......FACT!!!

I bet your fiance has bigger balls then you 🙄 stupid phuck.

Ok, rant hasn't been a good day to deal with stupid 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂😂😂

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