To me the oil check is my biggest complaint about the machine. We took it for a weekend camping trip last summer and when I checked it looked way low. I didn't have an option so I put some non recommended oil I carry in my truck to get by. When we got home, I started checking it like a hawk and I was over full. I've learned to start it up, and let it sit for the couple of minutes WITHOUT moving it, then turn it off and let it sit for the other couple of minutes. Then I check it. I'm a little OCD so I actually time it on my watch. It seems to me the temperature outside also plays a part in the amount of time it takes to drain back down. The mechanic moderator on the other forum recommends running it a little over full, to make sure everything is alright. I would say if you don't have any leaks and your air cleaner is farily clean and you haven't dusted the motor, everything should be fine.