ok I am about to order a second battery for when I get my accessories installed... I like the way appalachien
mountain riders installed his.. the odyssey extreme pc925, do I need this good of a battery? 189.00 plus I will get the battery install kit for 89.99... what are you fellow using? next I will be asking you about switch plates and so forth... I am pretty mechanically inclined but not with wiring... I may just have Honda do this but I think I can get through this...
mountain riders installed his.. the odyssey extreme pc925, do I need this good of a battery? 189.00 plus I will get the battery install kit for 89.99... what are you fellow using? next I will be asking you about switch plates and so forth... I am pretty mechanically inclined but not with wiring... I may just have Honda do this but I think I can get through this...