Ancient Honda fanboi
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Best guess would be a late summer or winter announcement. The factory expansion has pretty much just completed. This was needed to add more lines for additional models. Might see them as a 2019 model. But nothing is ever certain.Does anybody have any inside info on WHEN or even IF this new sport model could be announced/released? I'm really glad I purchased the 2017 family rig last year rather than waiting for this announcement (I thought was going to happen last year).
I'm really starting to doubt/wonder if they're even going to release something. I imagine they've had something in mind for about 2 years now and its hung up with lawyers and reliability testing. The problem is Can Am and Polaris will have each upgraded their sport models twice since Honda drew this thing up and it will be far behind them when it comes out is my guess.
Anyone have any real reason for faith on a spring announcement other than patent drawings which could possibly never come out?