Thank you all for the schematics and help with my troubleshooting. I determined that the hot wire I found was for the fuel gauge sender. The actual fuel pump wire was not hot. Next, I found two wires chewed off right under the relay bank, beneath the air intake. They were close enough underneath the relays that I didn't see them when I first looked over the relays and harnessing when it didn't start. I repaired the circuits and viola! Good to go!
Thank you again for your help.
The evening improved for me after that. I don't believe that it was mice that were in there. I believe it was a red squirrel or a chipmunk or similar. I had been seeing some around the area where I store the Pioneer. As soon as I fixed the wiring on the Pioneer I went behind the building to take a leak and saw the chipmunk. He bounced up onto a small stump. While he stood there, mocking me, I ran and grabbed my air rifle (all the neighbors sport the wrong colored political signs for me to use my real guns) and popped that little bastard! Let that be a lesson to all his little wire chewing friends that he hangs out with!
P.S. Sorry for assuming the chipmunk's gender....