My emails and conversation with Oscar finally shed some light on the reason why the Talon tends to run rich at higher altitudes. It is subtle on the N/A motors but can be very noticeable on the Turbos. It is rather complex and has to do with the back end of the ECU. It cannot be corrected with the available tables and there is really nothing that can be done with a basic tuner. There is something in the base code of the ECU and that needs to be fixed by mother Honda. Jackson has the ability to crack the back end and has fixed it in their latest firmware but Jackson only deals with Turbo models. Maybe one of the other tuners like Hess, PwrTune or even DynoJet can come up with something, we will just have to wait and see.
This issue is so vague and complex, your dealer will look like a "dear in the headlights" if you try to discuss it with them. I doubt any of them know the inner working of an ECU, let alone how to build a flash and then apply that flash to the ECU to correct this issue. It just isn't going to happen unless mother Honda gets involved.
So just to clarify then, would you say that the turbo tune will now actually run better afr and exhaust temps than the stock setup, since the stock NA needs to be adjusted? I am planning on a turbo but wanted all this to be worked out on the tuning side before I did it. I am happy the Jackson got it figured out! I had heard (Not that I believe everything I hear), and this will be vague, but that there was a problem with the "system" that Honda chose to use and that it was maybe older tech that had trouble compensating for big changes in elevation....not sure where I read that. But this is good news for the Turbos!! Turbo here I come!!!