I know you had a pioneer for many years, added tons of info and feedback to the forum but how are you really doing Richard, Hondasxs any favor by trying to get everyone to move to a KRX, which will also be another forum for learning And pull members away from this brand/forum? Why not add helpful Pioneer info or leave? I’ve only been here a short time but all you seem to recommend is for people to search or buy a KRX.
Then again seems all you’ve talked about on this forum relates to the female anatomy or the KRX, so maybe you never had anything useful to add, could be wrong but your posts speak volumes.
So maybe add value and don’t just tell everyone to get a KRX, if people wanted one they would of gotten one. It’s pretty simple add value here or leave and go to a kawi forum, fact is, you won’t be missed if you leave if all you say is get a KRX.