P1000 Catastrophic failure



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Per several user request. Here is a dedicated channel for CP.
The.... Get CumminsPusher back on the trail fund.
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[/parsehtml]Or via this link -->Get CumminsPusher back on the trail fund. - PayPal Donation


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I don't mind collecting if you guys want. But looks like the trouble is going to be getting @CumminsPusher to accept.
You can use the donation box at the bottom of the site until I can figure out a better method. or Paypal it to [email protected].
I will collect and hold this for CP.

I know I promised him a lottery ticket. I will come though and have one ready for Saturday's Powerball drawing in his name.
Anything over $25 won will be sent to him. Any less winnings will be re-invested into another ticket until PB or Bust!
Thank you! There isn't a better forum administrator anywhere! :)


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Feb 13, 2013
Charlotte, NC

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I know we all want to see CP back on the trail. However he has requested that all donation support be given to a charity. He asked that you please consider this before making a donation.

.......personal note.....
Currently it is late in the night. So we will figure this out tomorrow.
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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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guys... Please don't do this. This isn't me I am the guy that always finds his own way I never ask for help and give to all anything I can. I don't want to be the one that needs for anything I find a way. There are other people that deserve the generosity more. I appreciate everything and sorry for the public breakdown this is embarrassing. There are people out there that need help look around the forum and you can see it do that. If I can ask anything of anyone please do that. A broken rig doesn't mean s*** compared to a wife of many years that just got over cancer please look around and help them I'm sorry for being a b**** I'll be fine shortly help others. You're heart is right but help them. This is the best thing that I've ever came across but I will always come back there are others that can't. Donate if wanted but I know it'll go to the right place. @Hondasxs you are the guy so make sure it goes to the right place I know you and trust in you and it's not me! Thank you!!! I knew I was home when I got here never left never added my name to another site. Everyone here knows me and my family of friends. Please let it go!!! Tomorrow is a new day for everyone. There are people struggling worse then us never forget that! I'm out for a second one beer too many life is been that way for all of us thanks for the support! I love you all! Again one beer to many it makes you too honest.


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guys... Please don't do this. This isn't me I am the guy that always finds his own way I never ask for help and give to all anything I can. I don't want to be the one that needs for anything I find a way. There are other people that deserve the generosity more. I appreciate everything and sorry for the public breakdown this is embarrassing. There are people out there that need help look around the forum and you can see it do that. If I can ask anything of anyone please do that. A broken rig doesn't mean s*** compared to a wife of many years that just got over cancer please look around and help them I'm sorry for being a b**** I'll be fine shortly help others. You're heart is right but help them. This is the best thing that I've ever came across but I will always come back there are others that can't. Donate if wanted but I know it'll go to the right place. @Hondasxs you are the guy so make sure it goes to the right place I know you and trust in you and it's not me! Thank you!!! I knew I was home when I got here never left never added my name to another site. Everyone here knows me and my family of friends. Please let it go!!! Tomorrow is a new day for everyone. There are people struggling worse then us never forget that! I'm out for a second one beer too many life is been that way for all of us thanks for the support! I love you all! Again one beer to many it makes you too honest.
You should take the money. I could be just carma comming back around. I don't think anyone that will donate fells sorry for you sometimes it's just cool to surprise someone for example paying for someone's lunch at a resturant without them knowing.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Many good people here! I apologize for my mental instability last night. Everyone at some point breaks down and unfortunately all got to witness mine. Sometimes bad news and a couple of beers goes a long ways. I honestly felt like I was sentenced by a company for a crime that I did not commit and I've never been kicked so hard. Life goes on and so will the fight. People here should be proud of yourselves as it made a big difference in this mans life I truly feel honored and have never seen something like that. There are so many selfish people in the world and it's nice to see people who aren't. I've said it many times that I wish I had the opportunity to ride with y'all and that I wasn't on the west coast. I truly appreciate all the kind words! What a good group of guys it's nice that so many strangers believe in the same things lifestyle and ways to treat others. I needed that. My deepest apologies are sent out. Everything is fine and will be back to normal. I'm sorry and will start to rebuild on the plan. I wasn't sure how to handle all the good words and it took me a second to accept all of this. Everyone thanks:):):):):)
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Apr 23, 2016
Portland, OR

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Sorry dude! I figured this would be the case though. Take a step back, and look at it from another perspective. Big corporation received claim of water ingestion from machine being driven through water and it coming over the hood into the intake system. That is the end of the claim, they spent 0 time on it after that, case closed. You are correct though, the design is flawed, and you weren't doing anything wrong. I noticed this the first time I opened the hood and saw that catch basin in there. I doubt any company would cover this claim though, or they would be opening a giant can of worms for themselves. That being said, I bet notes are being kept on these issues and when the new model comes out it will have a "new and improved intake system". I feel for you bro, but take solace in the fact that you took one for the team here, and are going to save a lot of other machines from the same fate, and possibly help force Honda to improve on their design.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Honda hasn't actually warrenteed any of the cases they did what's called good will. They have fixed a few at no charge however it's a way to keep things in check and accept no responsibility. This is common practice with many companies. It was brought to my attention that if I were to keep things mellow there may be a chance for this on my rig. However that is not me I chose to throw it out there in the hopes of saving another machine and to help correct the problem at hand. I probably should have waited but I tend to be vocal and try to help anywhere I can I was fairly certain nothing would come of it and I'd be where I started so this wasn't a surprise I promise that but there's always hope. There are many more machines then I had originally found and for that I hope this gets corrected. If anything comes out of this my hope is just that.
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Apr 23, 2016
Portland, OR

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Also, take the money! It's not charity, it's for services rendered. You have a lot of time on this forum helping others, and making contributions. Think of it like a "Wounded Warrior" type scenario. If you refuse to accept my $20, I will spend it on 40's of Old English, and promptly drive my un-snorkeled Pioneer through the deepest water hole you have ever seen. Please do us both a favor, and accept the money, get back on here, and start doing write ups that help un-creative people as myself make modifications that improve our machines.
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Also, take the money! It's not charity, it's for services rendered. You have a lot of time on this forum helping others, and making contributions. Think of it like a "Wounded Warrior" type scenario. If you refuse to accept my $20, I will spend it on 40's of Old English, and promptly drive my un-snorkeled Pioneer through the deepest water hole you have ever seen. Please do us both a favor, and accept the money, get back on here, and start doing write ups that help un-creative people as myself make modifications that improve our machines.
I'm with nightcrawler on this one and I'm sure if hondasxs took a poll on this there would be 100 percent support to back it up. I hate to see you without your rig and I hope you take whatever you can to get you back into your "lifestyle". This is the lifestyle that I live too and I know how much it means. If you would say you accept, I would contribute right now. Heck I don't even have a 1000 but I love to keep an eye on yours, jackals and joeymt33s posts.


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I'm with nightcrawler on this one and I'm sure if hondasxs took a poll on this there would be 100 percent support to back it up. I hate to see you without your rig and I hope you take whatever you can to get you back into your "lifestyle". This is the lifestyle that I live too and I know how much it means. If you would say you accept, I would contribute right now. Heck I don't even have a 1000 but I love to keep an eye on yours, jackals and joeymt33s posts.
Tjoreo, you are not alone these guys make this site great! But, don't wait for an invitation to support CP, join the many of us who already have. Also, please support us getting additional support. Together we can do this!
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Yes please use the money CP. If any left over I subtley reccomend changing to white body panels too. ;):D
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Yes please use the money CP. If any left over I subtley reccomend changing to white body panels too. ;):D
I agree! When you know you are going to be on those treacherous trails pull off the black camo, and through on the spare white panels;) good thinking Stauvo!
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Tjoreo, you are not alone these guys make this site great! But, don't wait for an invitation to support CP, join the many of us who have already have. Also, please support us getting additional support. Together we can do this!
Maybe @Hondasxs can put up a graph showing the goal amount, and what has been raised? This would help.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Also, take the money! It's not charity, it's for services rendered. You have a lot of time on this forum helping others, and making contributions. Think of it like a "Wounded Warrior" type scenario. If you refuse to accept my $20, I will spend it on 40's of Old English, and promptly drive my un-snorkeled Pioneer through the deepest water hole you have ever seen. Please do us both a favor, and accept the money, get back on here, and start doing write ups that help un-creative people as myself make modifications that improve our machines.
My words got out of hand and in no way was I asking for anything other then to vent. I did not mean for this thread to go this way I am just frustrated and for a brief moment was in despair. It's taken all I can muster to stay calm through this and the reality of it all hit hard. Even being back on the road the motor will never be as good as it was right before the last puddle that is rough to think about. With all of that said and done I'm not wanting to add to this. I've never not bounced back and my family has accepted this and we are ready to move forward. Again I seriously appreciate this and apologize for my s***ty attitude last night. Thank you so much for the kind words. I've never left nor do I plan on changing how I am or who I am so I'm not going away anytime soon. I really like this site and the great people here and at any time will make time to help if I can never be afraid to ask. One person mentioned awhile back that he didn't want to ask me something in the middle of this well this is something I like to be involved with it takes my mind off of things so never think like that. On a side note if you purposely drive that in I will find a way ***** slap you:) this got derailed for a minute but it's needing to get fixed. This was NOT supposed to be about my problems but a way to fix a problem, make people aware of this and come up with a solution. I appreciate everyone here truly but this needs to get back on topic. Again thank you.
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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Maybe @Hondasxs can put up a graph showing the goal amount, and what has been raised? This would help.
Dammit I screwed this thread up. I'm glad to see I'm not the only hard head out there:)
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CumminsPusher, how soon will they be able to tear it down to see the extent of the damage? You made a statement that it would never be the same. But... i think this problem represents an opportunity to experiment. I know there are very skilled members on this forum who would have ideas on engine mods to increase HP and Performance. Imagine the journey we would all be taken on to see what could be. Lets hear some ideas. Mine is a big bore kit!


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Apr 23, 2016
Portland, OR

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These might be better ways of going about getting your drowned Pioneer fixed under waranty:
1. The dump bed wouldn't dump the 2,000 load so you had to try and float the load off of it.
2. Stuff keeps flying out of the compartments on the dash, so you have to park facing down hill, and the lack of a parking brake allowed your machine to roll down into the swamp.
3. While trying to locate the ultra secret "outside" opening lever for the dump bed you hit your head on the undercarriage, and in a state of confusion drove into the lake.
*Some of these sound a little ridiculous but we know @Plumber101010 will have your back!