It is possible he may have bent the shifting fork(s) and it is not engaging into H, L, or R, thus it is essentially jammed in N. I had bent mine where it would not go into Low Range but would still go in High, it was repaired with the clutches.
Interesting idea. But I imagine same deal as replacing the clutch, very very difficult to get to and do the maintenance. Not sure how it was driven prior to this, if he was using low as appropriate or coming to complete stop when shifting.
Was a bit concerned with potential damage to my clutches. Went and ran it today, and it's shifting smoother than when I first got it. Maybe it's finally all broke in after 160 miles? If a performance clutch and gearing comes out I'll be getting it, and badly needs fox podiums. Ran out of suspension fairly often. A pair of Generals won the UTV class, albeit rolled in with busted shafts and two flat tires. Very impressed with my P1K though!
Ran with several 700-4s. they got stuck a lot! But no damage and we made it through 40+ miles of nightmare.