you got a real nice view there.
i love food too, i worked all over the country for 10yrs and while i dont miss it its tough on family, i do miss the people and places i worked with, your pot gumbo reminds me of a guy i worked with from Louisiana. used to make this stuff he would just call a boil, like in a big turkey fryier chicken, potatoes, bunch of stuff. in OKC a number of times, surprising number of different good stuff, obvious BBQ and steak but ton of good mexican places and gumbo. nothing like that here. we have the best pizza and chicken wings. home made stuff is all the best here, chile, i have a smoker and i cook my bbq myself the only way i can make it close to the stuff you could get anywhere down there. i have apple tree i make smoker wood from, cook my burgers, chickens, turkey, in that and sometimes some corn.
cold and snow kinda like today just turns into chilling by the wood stove and making something good, like you say.