Ok, so everything looked good inside with the oil pan removed. Perfectly clean, nothing but clean looking oil. Tried wiggling connecting rods and everthing seemed correct. I reinstalled the oil pan, topped off the fluids and grabbed my stethoscope again. Both cylinders sound about the same at idle. When I rev the engine to the 2000 rpm range, thats when the #2 cylinder makes more racket that the other. But since the #2 piston is right next to the chain, this could explain that. So I put the stethoscope on the chain housing area, and its even louder there. It almost has to be the tensioner lifter assembly. I'm going to order this and see how long it will take to receive it. My new spark plugs should be here first and I will install them right away and report back. Then if that doesn't fix it, I'm hoping the tensioner will. I'm guessing these engines are pretty noisy to begin with, but now that I'm fixated on this sound I'm hearing it all the time