Talon Honda Talon pricing is out.



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Mar 10, 2015

  1. Talon X4
I’ve been waiting for the Talon for a while and was willing to pay a bit of a premium for it. Talked with dealer today, said he would be less than MSRP but didn’t have all the info from Honda to give a price. Unlikely that it will come down to the 17-18k that I’m looking for. Looks like I’ll run the mighty P500 another year and wait for the demand to fall.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

  1. 1000-5
My brother was waiting for the Talon also. The price shot him down. He plans to pick up a new Po Po 1000xp tomorrow for 5k less than the Talon X msrp. Not saying that's the right choice, but a lot of $$$ difference.

If it was gonna have to pay MSRP I hate to say it, but I think I'd try to pick up a left over YXZ and pay the 1500 bucks for a gear reduction and/or rekluse if it was the slap stick. I have seen several around 14k advertised, so even with all that you are several thousand lower than the talon. They appear to be very similar machines...

I'm sure the Talon pricing will settle inline with the YXZ when the dust settles though. And I stand behind what I've said before: the Pioneer really does do everything but go over big bumps really fast AND smooth. If your willing to bring it down to 10mph when things get nasty, I really don't see the need for the extra suspension in the woods. I prefer the extra bed space and easy entry/exit that make it useable around the farm. 16k was a lot easier to swallow for a multi use machine vs a true trail-hawk.


Yep. I won’t trust too many people on a review, especially brand specific people. Even being somewhat specific I’m honest and not blind, and expect the same. Also want to see how it holds up and make sure recalls are out of the way. I won’t get burned again.
I’m not one that likes selling something for a massive loss because I don’t like it. Don’t like making mistakes. We keep things a long time if it holds up. I need to like it before we get it.

Dirt Trax TV is sponsored by Polaris and their main presenter said the Talon was the highest quality fit and finish of any SXS he's seen.

But then again, look at what he probably is use to seeing.....


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
Dirt Trax TV is sponsored by Polaris and their main presenter said the Talon was the highest quality fit and finish of any SXS he's seen.

But then again, look at what he probably is use to seeing.....
I spent some time in a General and sure wasn’t impressed with quality to say the least lol


I spent some time in a General and sure wasn’t impressed with quality to say the least lol

We had a riding buddy's dad who purchased one and the doors split in two the 2nd week he had it. It had only been ridden 3 times in those 2 weeks. I got to see it upclose the first day he brought it out to the track to tool around in.

It's a RZR with a dump bed, still s***, but the bed dumps now.


I get paid to pass gas
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Jan 24, 2018
Carthage MO

  1. 1000-5
I spent some time in a General and sure wasn’t impressed with quality to say the least lol
This weekend a friend of my backed his rzr 1000 off trailer it has 600 mile on it it was in limp mode he's had it in shop once already still not right 17 miles later running fine .piece of junk might have him talked in to Honda

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This weekend a friend of my backed his rzr 1000 off trailer it has 600 mile on it it was in limp mode he's had it in shop once already still not right 17 miles later running fine .piece of junk might have him talked in to Honda

Sent from my SM-G930U using Tapatalk

Reminds me of the 1 time I rode at Rush, KY.

Me on a 1987 Big Red with no rear brakes riding with 2 RZR 1000s and a Ranger 900.

First RZR blows the diff backing off the trailer, 2nd one starts overheating and missing horribly. We managed to get them going for the rest of the day. Then the Ranger lost a wheel.

Meanwhile I got stuck once on the "old Honda" and had to pull a RZR off a tree he backed onto. I now refuse to recognize that Polaris makes anything but junk and that's all my buddies except 2 have.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
We had a riding buddy's dad who purchased one and the doors split in two the 2nd week he had it. It had only been ridden 3 times in those 2 weeks. I got to see it upclose the first day he brought it out to the track to tool around in.

It's a RZR with a dump bed, still s***, but the bed dumps now.
Same with the doors on the one I rode. It was like a Snap-Tite model lol. He said he had taken it in and they said that was normal. The seat was so sloppy I thought it was broken and the interior plastics were s***. It was loud. Suspension was nice though and had plenty of power up high.
The guy that switched machines with me was really impressed with the Pioneer, said he would probably get one. Don’t know if he ever did.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2015

  1. Talon X4
Got price from my dealer today. $19,750 and $20,750, both includes everything but tax. Told him I'd pay a premium for a Honda, but not $5,000 more than the comparable competitors models. Told him to let me know when they can be bought in the 17k-18K range for the X.

Anyone else get a firm price?


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
Got price from my dealer today. $19,750 and $20,750, both includes everything but tax. Told him I'd pay a premium for a Honda, but not $5,000 more than the comparable competitors models. Told him to let me know when they can be bought in the 17k-18K range for the X.

Anyone else get a firm price?
I wish they’d be that here, I’d be so excited. I’d be 21 before tax for the x.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2016
If it was gonna have to pay MSRP I hate to say it, but I think I'd try to pick up a left over YXZ and pay the 1500 bucks for a gear reduction and/or rekluse if it was the slap stick. I have seen several around 14k advertised, so even with all that you are several thousand lower than the talon. They appear to be very similar machines...

I'm sure the Talon pricing will settle inline with the YXZ when the dust settles though..

I highly doubt Honda will ever drop the MSRP. They may offer rebates, but I'm sure that's the most.
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Dec 26, 2018

  1. Do not currently own
So.... with the given pricing, I had a thought....

I was talking to a buddy earlier about how much I had looked forward to the Talon. I've been excited about this since the Pioneer 700 was introduced in '14, like many of you have been. He asked if I was gonna buy one. My response was, "Nah".... "I have the 700 and it sits in the garage way more than it should. Be pretty crazy for me to drop $20K on a machine that I wouldn't ride any more than the one that I currently have."

Then I got to thinking.... I work to buy things I want. That why we all work, right? I don't have to justify this purchase....

Reminded me of a time when I was a little feller in 1989. We had a local 'Mom & Pop' Honda Shop 30 miles up the road that I loved to frequent. I aggravated the s*** out of my dad to just go 'look around' every time we were close. At the time, I was 7 years old. I had a Suzuki 50 4-wheeler, and my dream had just came true! That year, Santa had added a Suzuki DS 80 dirt bike to the out building!

Anywhoo.... One day that Dad was off work, we stopped by the Honda Shop... I'd been in there several times... I loved looking at the XR's and the 250R's... But there was something new that day. Something that I'd never seen before. A machine that had a seat like a car. And a steering wheel. It also had a large (for it's time) two-stroke engine. And it had 4-wheel independent suspension, which at the time I didn't know what was, but now appreciate looking back for the time period... It was the short lived Honda Pilot Fl400R.

I wasn't big enough, or old enough, to ride one. Dad wasn't interested in the machine at all. At that time he had his first 4-wheeler that was a Honda 250 2-wheel drive utility. 1986 model I believe?

Nonetheless, It was absolutely the coolest machine I had ever seen! I wanted one! Bad! Needless to say, I never got one or even seen one or rode one my whole life after that.

I never had that feeling again until I saw the 400EX. My dreams came true when I bought that machine in 2000. Kept it for a few years, then moved on to a Rubicon......

I thought my 'sport machine' desires were dead after that forever until the word came that the Talon was 'real'. Then, when it was introduced (poorly) a few weeks ago, all those childhood dreams I had about the Pilot resurfaced. Now I am an adult, by age at least, and I feel like a kid again. I don't need it. Can't justify it. But yet I want one!!!!! I wanna go back to 7 years old and get my Pilot and just raise pure, unadulterated hell!

Sorry...... I got caught up in my last 30 years there for a minute.....

So, back to my original thought. I had a thought....

That machine (FL400) was far beyond it's time. In 1989, the median American income was around $30,000. A new Pilot was around $5,500. So a Pilot costed about 18% of the median American income.

Fast forward to 2019. The median American income is $62,000. A new Talon R is gonna cost around $21,000. That is about 34% of the median American income today.

No real point to make here other than a comparison between the only two sport machines of this kind that Honda has ever made. Just thought it was interesting.

I'm not sure why the Pilot never made it. I hope it wasn't because of pricing. I'd hate to see the long awaited Talon have a short run like the Pilot did. Proportionally speaking, it is priced almost twice as much as the Pilot was in relation to the money the average American made. And it had no competition.

Just a thought...

That turned out a whole lot longer that I thought it would. I'll grab another beer now. LOL
Great read, I say spend it why u can make it..... never seen a money truck behind the hurse lol


Got price from my dealer today. $19,750 and $20,750, both includes everything but tax. Told him I'd pay a premium for a Honda, but not $5,000 more than the comparable competitors models. Told him to let me know when they can be bought in the 17k-18K range for the X.

Anyone else get a firm price?

A XP RZR 1000 is $18,599. That's MSRP, I dont care what the dealer is selling it for.

Polaris has flooded the market with crap and now everyone has laid eyes and ears on the Talon and that's why their giving RZRs away.

Trust me the Talon will make everyone else change their attitude.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

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I highly doubt Honda will ever drop the MSRP. They may offer rebates, but I'm sure that's the most.

Agreed, and I don't think they should drop MSRP either based on the comparables. But you can buy a YXZ (what I consider it's closest comparable) a lot cheaper than MSRP. It's just about waiting until the people with blank checks in hand run out. I think they will be reasonable in due time.
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Jan 30, 2018
Agreed, and I don't think they should drop MSRP either based on the comparables. But you can buy a YXZ (what I consider it's closest comparable) a lot cheaper than MSRP. It's just about waiting until the people with blank checks in hand run out. I think they will be reasonable in due time.

But a forum member discount or rebate would be a nice bonus.

The rumor is all Talon’s will have a roof thrown in for free if you mention seeing it here on the forum.

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NTC immigrant gardner
Supporting Member
Nov 16, 2018

  1. 1000-5
My brother was waiting for the Talon also. The price shot him down. He plans to pick up a new Po Po 1000xp tomorrow for 5k less than the Talon X msrp. Not saying that's the right choice, but a lot of $$$ difference.
This Is a perfect example of what I think you will hear alot of. "I sure do/did like that talon until I saw the price,then I went and bought a rzr or xyz and can put the extra money towards accesories." Money is the biggest factor for most people, and they may never know what there missing lol
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This Is a perfect example of what I think you will hear alot of. "I sure do/did like that talon until I saw the price,then I went and bought a rzr or xyz and can put the extra money towards accesories." Money is the biggest factor for most people, and they may never know what there missing lol

They'll spend that $5k on bearings, bushings, axles, suspensions arms and belts.

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