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Just spent the last 8 1/2 hours plowing snow and/or fixing a broken synthetic winch cable. It has gotten all the way up to -1* right now with a windchill of only - 22*. Definitely much better than first thing this morning. I began to question being out there when my winch cable broke while lifting my plow and when I got back inside my unheated shop, to at least get out of the wind, I found that the broken end of the cable had already frozen to the rest of the wrap so much that I had to hold a hair dryer on it for 20 minutes to get it to free up so I could fix it.
Even through all that weather, the Pioneer was amazing. Although, for some reason, when you get into a huge snow drift and as you are shoveling yourself out because you can't move, you find that your rig is so high centered that you have 6" of snow under each tire, it just doesn't get traction!!!!
Even through all that weather, the Pioneer was amazing. Although, for some reason, when you get into a huge snow drift and as you are shoveling yourself out because you can't move, you find that your rig is so high centered that you have 6" of snow under each tire, it just doesn't get traction!!!!