Montecresto el segundo
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So fuel stabilizer, Heet and continuous full tanks is the best defense in your opinion???I used to work in the gas station business, 'ALL' tanks that fuel is stored in have a small amount of water in them. Especially the tanks in the ground, majority is from condensation!
If any of you guys remimber seeing attendants using a stick to measure fuel levels in tanks. There was also a paste material on the end of the stick to monitor the amount of water in the bottom af the tank. The pumps are not pulling off the bottom of the tank. The problem comes when you buy fuel after the tanks has been resupplied. The water and contaminants become stirred up. Just FYI you should NOT buy fuel while a transport is there dropping fuel!!!!
I have also seen a couple time when a stations personel were stealing fuel and adding water to the tank to compensate for the loss of fuel!!!!