Okay, so is everybody getting their filters from Honda? Rocky Mountain ATV has an oil change kit, but it doesn't show a DCT filter. For the first 12 months, I'm definitely staying with Honda oil. After that, we'll see how it's going with the other oils.
I recently purchased a number of things from RMATV for my also recently purchased Talon R. I got their oil change kit, and your right, it does not come with a DCT filter and it also does not come with an OEM oil filter, it comes with the Tusk brand. I looked it up and the Honda DCT oil filter part # is 15412-MGS-D21 and it's $7.67. I found out that all OEM parts #'s don't come up while searching their site. I had to look it up through their OEM parts finder. You'll find the oil/DCT filters listed under the oil cooler tab in the parts schematic/fiche.
While I was finding that DCT filter, I looked up a few other common parts like the oil filter and air filter. Imagine my surprise when the prices were actually cheaper through their parts schematic vs the prices they list when you have your machine profile selected.
Here's a couple of examples...
Honda OEM oil filter MSRP $12.50
Honda OEM oil filter saved machines profile $10.09
Honda OEM oil filter OEM parts finder $8.83
Honda OEM air filter MSRP $47.25
Honda OEM air filter saved machine profile $42.99
Honda OEM air filter OEM parts finder $36.38
I have no idea why the prices would be different, they're the same exact part #'s but looking up the part through their OEM parts finder seems cheaper than what they list for saved machine profiles.