Well, I’m not a payment guy so I dunno about that.. but I get it and don’t blame ya. Point being who gives a f*** what kind of mileage a vehicle gets if it won’t get you there. And who cares if it will pull the wheels off a the trailer if you can’t stand to drive it around town (cough cough, kilo)... the max tow F150 is very much like the PK5... it’s not the cheapest and it’s not the best for every situation or everybody. BUT it’s all around the best truck to suit MY needs. I don’t give a flying f*** if the rest of you cocksuckers drive a space shuttle around! The thread was/is about F150’s... so you can choose the left or the right nut to lick. Don’t matter, there’s dog slobber in both!
I make some payments too. Pretty hard to find good deal on a 30yo Cummins powered Sxs to do what I need it to lol. These Sxs’s are killing me, I understand payments.
I was just flipping some s***. I know trucks have come a long ways and they are much nicer to drive. I work on, have more experience around and drive more different trucks in a month then damn near anyone on this site.
We really enjoyed driving the new rental over there, much smoother truck then ours and the price I’d probably rent again. Hell we dropped it’s resale more then 700$ in that 5000 miles and didn’t need an oil change, why not beat up someone else’s s*** lol. Our truck would make it though. But I agree if I had to put a ton of miles on a truck daily I wouldn’t drive ours.