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Lifetime Member
I was hoping to change my plans to Saturday, but I'm working OT on Saturday now. It's also looking like tomorrow's ride may be postponed. Why does life and work keep getting in the way of fun?
Marysville OhioSeen a recent post with several ohio members. Can we get any active members from Ohio post up with your location and machine?
I'm from West Central Ohio, not far off 75, Sidney area between Lima and Dayton. Riding a P500 waiting, waiting, waiting on a Honda sport model!
Would love to go but unfortunately i was in an off road accident end of August and broke my hand probably be well into October before i can get out againI am planning on riding at Perry APV area this Friday. Plan on starting out around 10. I have a P1K5 and will be riding a mix of terrain including some of the tougher trails.
I am planning on riding at Perry APV area this Friday. Plan on starting out around 10. I have a P1K5 and will be riding a mix of terrain including some of the tougher trails.
Seen a recent post with several ohio members. Can we get any active members from Ohio post up with your location and machine?
I'm from West Central Ohio, not far off 75, Sidney area between Lima and Dayton. Riding a P500 waiting, waiting, waiting on a Honda sport model!
Sidney native as well!
You got to be the closest member to me. Ride much?