The oil pressure light could mean high, low, or oil pressure incorrectly reaching the wrong place at the wrong time.
What made you replace the oil pump?
The dealership I bought it from replaced the oil pump. They said after it got warm preassure would fluctuate just enough to trip the light. They tried the switch first and the light would still kick on and Honda told them to replace the pump. They told me that one of the surfaces on the pump had a grove in it like something got stuck in it and caused it to drop oil preassure
I do know that the only time the light would activate was after you would drive it for a ways and then let out of the throttle and it would kick on. Just sitting and idling would not trip it. I am just curious to what factory has the low preassure setting set to that trips the light. It's a brand new machine that had 16 miles on it when the light first came on. You could cut it off and restarted it and the light would stay out for a good while and come back on.
I do not like having to replace the oil pump on a brand new engine and am worried that it might have done internal damage to it but what do you do? That is why I am asking for the low preassure shut off point. I would feel a little better if it was set at let's say 10 psi and was dipping below that point. I would be alright with 5 psi and it dipped to 4 psi and caused a light. But if its set at 2 psi and dipped below that I would half to say that for sure that I am probably screwed! Thanks guys and/or gals!
Oh and another thing! I keep smelling antifreeze and I seem to be loosing it from the overflow since the dealership did the repair but I can not find leak anywhere. I guess I will check the oil in a bit and see if it is going in there. I hope not.