Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Some people just don’t care. They buy the coolest rig and will continue to dump money in.Yeah my buddy just traded his 2018 1000xp highlifter (27k) for a 2019 turbo S (29k). After owning highlifter for 8 months he probably spent around 2k in belts and 1 primary clutch that blew up. Now with the turbo, after first ride a while back, he took it into dealer cause turbo got super red hot and started to melt plastic air box. Dealer said to stay above 20 mph and never ever get it wet! We live in South Florida, most of our trails have some kinda water, he wont learn!!
Guy we’ve tried riding with has a 4-seat turbo massively upgraded, he shows off on the dirt roads constantly, changes belt every ride to be sure. Took him into to woods once on what we look at as very easy stuff and he did nothing but cuss, came out looking his rig over for scratches then started ordering plastics, right there from camp lmao! Some people like to spend money and drop the machine off at the dealer for free storage.