POIDH Enforcement Officer
Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
It’s been a while since I’ve been in here. I haven’t had the P5 out since last year. I brought it up to my camp for Memorial Day so others can ride. I’m up here for the guys work weekend that hunt or use my camp and I usually come up a day before others to get some work done on the food plots. All was going well till I decided to extend my blinds food plot. My Old Ford tractor is a beast and never lets me down since I restored it 15 years ago. Well the plow grabbed some deep tree roots and if you know a Ford tractor, the clutch and drive doesn't stop when you throttle down. You have to physically push in the heavy clutch at the floor boards. Needless to say, with the soft soil before I could push in the clutch she went deeper and the very heavy Sherman trans got hung up on a deep stump and I tried and tried many ways and couldn’t get it out. I couldn’t get my truck this far back in the woods so that was out so I got the P5. I thought well this is a long shot and it will rather pull my winch off, snap my rope or best case just drag the P5 to the tractor. I hooked up and started the pull with my foot on the brake. Low and behold..that little guy slowly pulled that heavy bound up tractor right out! Pretty impressive. And here I thought if I had my P1 I still might have had a problem lol.